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Posts posted by varun1794

  1. I'll let you in on a secret, great way to save money... take it to a professional. Only they will be able to accurately diagnose the issue. Save you buying every part in the world and possibly causing more damage to your car in the process of trial and error.

    I hope you spend a decent amount of time researching an M50 swap because unless you know what you're doing I'm sure it will be more than a mission and a half.

    yea if i hav 2 get it towed i might aswell wait a few weeks because im not doing the swap myself anyway

  2. thanks for the help guys got them cleaned and also needed a new afm and ecu got all that sorted and the car ran great for about 2 hours then started stalling and then overfueling and was running like crap, didnt know what to do by the time i got money to go to the mechanics it wouldnt start.... it used to spit black smoke n would give you a headache within minutes from how rich it was running i checked the plugs and they are black and covered in raw fuel. and i also saw it ;leaking fuel near the fpr ONCE that day but then didnt do it again. its not because of the ecu as i tried another one n had the same problem

    iv heard its either temp sensor or fpr, what do you guys reckon???

    is there a cheap fix possibly under 100$

    or should i just wait a month til i get my m50 swap

  3. i have the injectors out now and the tips arfe covered in sh*t but no clue how the inside is.

    ill be taking them to someone tommorow and it would be really helpfull if someone could tell me a place with a price i only know that petroject charges 25 each, does anyone know any places are cheaper


  4. You might aswell drop an m20b25 in it.

    I have a 320i and recently purchased a 325i, there is a definate change in power between the two and for your budget it really would be more appropriate,

    I have a chipped ecu which also makes it a lil bit more fun, you can pick them up for like 50 bucks from ebay.

    I wouldnt bother stroking unless you were stroking a 2.5 to a 2.7 as it just becomes too costly. A straight swap would be cheaper and easier, just make sure you get the afm and ecu with the engine which hopefully has a fair amount of ks on it relevant to age of course.

    Good luck with whatever decission it is you make :)


    sweet thanks alot for the help man ill just try source a good price m20b25

  5. 1.maybe tell us what your budget is?, that will be a decider on what you will be doing

    2.eta bottom ends are getting a bit old now and you could be up for a bottom end rebuild firstly

    3. reliability depends on the quality of the assembly and parts used and depending on your budget,

    well to start of its about just over 1000 to put a b25 in so i wouldnt want to go too much over that, iv never seen this bottom end be4 so im nt sure of the condition but due to pastr bad experieces i wouldnt mind a bottom end rebuild, then again i dont know of the cost involved in that.

    im not realy lookin at big power cuz even just the simplest stroker is a pretty big step up from a b20 but it MUST be relaibe cuz its my daily driver.

    if i get the bottom end for 400 wud i be able 2 get a bottom end rebuild and then get everything put in for 1500?

  6. hey guys

    im a bit confused so here are a few questions

    1. i have a m20b20 facelift and im wondering what would be cheaper

    b25 swap? im having trouble sourcing an engine

    2. putting my b20 head on a eta bottom end? i hav been quoted 400 for a bottom end.

    is it actually just as simple as bolting your head on or do the rods need to be changed?

    will the stroker cost more in labour then the b25 swap as im not doin the work myself.

    3. how reliable is a stroker?

  7. thanks for the help guys ok maybe 200 hp is a bit 2 much 2 ask in my budget, does anyone know around how much a m50 swap costs including labour as i dnt have the tools to do it at home, i just wana get rid of my b20 cuz its lack of torque just frustrates me

  8. yo

    so we all know how gutless the m20b20 is and i was wondering whats the best upgrade for it to get over 200 hp atw for it and if i can get it done under 1.5k? i had a few questions so here they are.

    -whats a good turbo setup and how much would it cost and the performance like

    - if i had to do a swap i would do a m50 swap, whats the cost and whats the performance like

    - how much would it cost to turbo a m50

    - would a m20b25 swap be way cheaper then a m50 swap?


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