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Posts posted by Mikal

  1. Hey man, do 7th form, it's actually really easy. I passed last year on only four subjects and got U.E... was definately the best year of my schooling life.

    I took a half gap year this year to work, then started at unitech in July... was good to work out most jobs that don't require tertiary education suck... made me motivated to learn again

  2. Left Unitec, Mt Albert early wednesday... was in whangarei (ruakaka) by 5:15pm, met my mates at the boat ramp, went for an evening fish, Thursday: Lay in the sun all day, Today: Currently dancing around in my undies with loud music in the kitchen, Waiting for mates to pic me up an take me to their batch out Langs beach.. Saturday: Fishing/Beach/Drunk... Sunday: Fishn/Drunk/beach... Monday:Drnunk/Fsihnig/Coma on beach?

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