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About bekker

  • Rank
    2nd Gear

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  • Name
    Rohan Bekker
  • Location
  • Car
    1984 E23 735i
  • Car 2
    1984 735i

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  1. Please move if this is posted in the wrong place. Spotted this on Maces rd in Christchurch today. I'm assuming it's about to be wrecked and I'm assuming at the wreckers it's outside at 201 Maces rd. Badge said 525 and it looks pre facelift. Style 5 wheels and the panels looked ok in passing. Might be useful to someone.
  2. Hi guys, I need to get a seat and some other small parts sent from Dunedin to Christchurch. Does anyone know approx cost for something like that and any recommendation of who to use? Any help gratefully appreciated.
  3. I'm open to the idea, although I kinda like the ride height at the back. Front I think is gonna have to go down a bit.
  4. If you know any of her history I'd love to know!
  5. E23's seem especially high in the front.
  6. may do that. E23 lower springs a bit harder to source. Not impossible though.
  7. yeah well I wont know for sure until I get 4 new tyres. That's why I was wondering if they looked ok. Don't want to spend the money if its going to look weird.
  8. Hi folks I'm after some thoughts on the look of these tyres on my E23. The size is 225/50/16 which by my calculations keeps the gearing near identicle to stock. I can't help but feel that the tyre looks too small. Or am I being nuts? The ride height is stock. What do you think? Could go down to 15's but I like these wheels. Cheers
  9. Rohan text me your number I'll call you if I make it to the car yard. 

  10. I love you guy's! Thanks for that 1bmf, if you're there would be great. Cheers
  11. picked up some E38 style 5's today so hopefully they will be on soon.
  12. I'm in Christchurch. Cheers.
  13. If any happens to have any E23 bits laying around please get in touch with me. Especially looking for passengers wing mirror. Cheers
  14. But she is new to me. Back in a BMW after too long. Had been looking for a while and finally a nice E23 found me. Not perfect, but pretty good. Took her to Dunedin and back last weekend and it was so good to drive. New wheels are the first thing on my list! Hopefully picking some up this weekend. Will be looking for plenty of advice in the coming months and years. Cheers
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