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Everything posted by smithy

  1. how much $$$$$ is it gona cost for the strut brace
  2. iv seen that race it is a killer man
  3. smithy

    M badges

    im not buying any schnizer badge off trademe?? what u on about chap
  4. smithy

    Fake ID

    what were u thinking asking that man
  5. How did you know you were doing 200km/h? Did your speedo say so?You do know that the speedo's are miles out at any high speeds (normally anything over 100km/h) don't you? And they always show a speed a lot higher than you are actually doing, so your 200 was more likely 160. Cheers Grant na m8 i gps it just to cheak and allso looked at the speedo iv done 200 more than once and how can a bmw speedo be 40kms out how do u know this? beleave me my car can do 200 and more if i had the room
  6. smithy

    M badges

    dont get a badge unless u got some m or schnizer gear on your car
  7. do u have a 2.7L converion if so whats it like im looking in to doing it to my 325i
  8. im not lying my 325i did 200 befor i changed the diff but yes my car has some mods done like pod filter sports muffler and headers any way i looked at the 4.45 diff but thought it might be a littel to low whats it like in your car .
  9. just about the diff carl i changed my diff from a 3.64 with a 4.10 and it is one of the best mods iv done ill admit that it drinks a littel more gas but not that much more and as far as top end speed is conserned i can still pull 200 and thats more than u need and it dosent give u any more HP but it gives u a hole lot more torque and with the lower gearing it gives u more hp at lower speeds so much more fun to drive but i drive on windy as roads. did u put a 4.10 in your car?
  10. if your modafiying your 325i and u dont have alot of $$$$ to play with all u need to do is change the diff ratios standard 325i run a 3.70 if u change them to 4.10 this makes a huge differinc this will only work on manual one coz the autos allready have a 4.10 but any way if u change the ratios to a 4.10 u will have the same ratios as the USA spec M3 coz thay have the same gearbox as a normal 325i.
  11. sounds good bro let me know a.s.a.p and i can arange powder coating cheap so dont worry about that
  12. has any one done a 2.7 coverion how did it change the engin proformenc i like to rev my engin all the way to revlimit all the time so dose a 2.7 like to rev the same
  13. if u know any steal workers u should take your strut brace to them get them to make u sum up and then flick them off ill buy one and i know alot of outher people will to
  14. yea i think it will cost to much to do this might put my money into 2.7 converion probily will get more hp for $$$
  15. yea i want to make it supercharged with bits and pieces from differint makes and models im keen to do it my salf but i dont know wich order to put the parts coz u got a supercharger then u got intercooler and blow of valve and the air flow meater dose any one know of a web site that wold say how to do this
  16. what will i need to do it
  17. smithy

    my 325im

    iv also changed the ratios in the diff from 3.64 to 4.10 now this is a upgrade if your on a budget
  18. so do u think u can get a strut brace im keen what type is it?
  19. dose any one know any thing about supercharging a m20 2.5L
  20. smithy

    my 325im

    the headers are coustom made cost $1800 and will fit any car like mine and year it sounds mad revs ezer and goes way harder
  21. smithy

    my 325im

    just water on them tints to looks like someone did a bad tint job but there a killer crome tinit
  22. no thanks iv all readey got sume schnitzer wheels 16" thay are killer
  23. has any one got some schnitzer parts thay want to get rid of like stearing wheel and stuf like that
  24. smithy


    is your car a e30?
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