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WTB: v1 radar detector

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Want a V1. Must be 1.8 but OK if not POP.

$500 cash waiting for you.

MUST provide me with a clear picture of the unit clearly showing the serial number. I will be running it through the Police database so no stolen units please.


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Pre-emptive strike.

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you could buy my STi for more!

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I have a V1, meh, they aren't that great.

Detection is good, but they are overpriced and you get heaps of false alarms, just as much as a cheap Uniden or something.

Escort is a better buy IMO

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Have you disabled the bands not used in NZ???

From what I've been told by users of v1's is that as long as you have the non-nz bands blocked they are the best you can get. If what I've heard is wrong, obviously I'd like to know.

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Guest Denny Crane

No, what you heard is correct. I loved my escort until it got stolen, but travelling with a V1 in convoy, the escort never got the "brake light jump" on the V1

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IMO i nearly think that radar detectors are nearly useless...they can protect against temp speed cameras, but not permanent ones, and most cops drive around with radar off anyway, and their instant ons nail you. along with being useless against laser, i kinda think common sense is the best detector.

there are very few times in the last two years that i can definately say "radar saved my ass there"

probably all up around 4 times..and as i found out the hard way, does nothing against laser!

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I'm with Gus on that one.

Learn to drive with your eyes open and be more observant.

Cops no longer drive with their radar on. They just ping you, when they see you.

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Was told by a BMW Sales representative and Lamborghini, Its illegal if you're caught using one. Nothing wrong with having one on your car but if a cop pulls you over and its on you get a ticket. But you can have it on and as soon as it tells you theres a radar slow down and turn it off, Nothing wrong with that. And also I think that it only tells you if it locks onto a frequency so no or not many false alarms.

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Jammers are illegal yes. You can have anything that receives laser/radar signal, but not transmit and jammers transmit.

Similar to police scanners - you can have one and listen to police broadcasts, but if you act on that information its against the law.

Wonder if technically slowing down due to your detector going off could fall under this also.

Edited by bravo

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Wonder if technically slowing down due to your detector going off could fall under this also.

Yes, it's exactly the same. You are acting on information received on a frequency you have no right accessing.

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Seeing as TM seems to be the place to buy a radar detector and this is my thread, I'm going to take it off-topic to discuss this further because it interests me.

Whilst browsing I came across this.

One recurring point is a desire to make radar detectors illegal.

Now, seeing as they are not illegal, and neither is owning a police scanner, and using of either is not illegal either, then your comment Cain about a "frequency you have no right accessing" is not quite correct as you are clearly allowed to access the frequency. You just are not allowed to transmit on that frequency or act on any information gained.

Semantics I know.

I don't want this to turn into a discussion on radar/laser jammers as we did that last year but a discussion (with links or references, not just opinion) on legality of acting on a radar detectors warning would be good.

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It is a "Blinder extreme 20" or something, a friend of mine brought it back from overseas for me, he has had a few in the past and recommended this one. Operation is pretty simple, it transmits infra red light which blinds laser guns, and as there are no laws for transmisssion of light it is 100% legal.

As conrod says in that tread last year, he had a "Blinder extreme 20", the one ED1RTY showed on trade me is a Blinder M20. So that one on trade me might also me legal? just guessing seeing its made by the same company.

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While it is NOT illegal to monitor communications in New Zealand, you are in breach of the Radiocommunications Act(s) and Regulation(s) and or the Telecommunications Act(s) and Regulation(s) and or the Crimes Act(s) and Regulation(s) [and all amendments to those Acts and Regulations], if you disclose to a third party, act upon, or use for personal gain, any information contained in a non-public broadcast radio transmission.

Q.E.D. If your radar detector goes off, and you brake. You're breaking the law.

The detector is not illegal, just like using a scanner. A transmitter on a frequency you have no licence for is illegal. i.e. a jammer

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dont use tardme....pay more money and get your sh*t from a proper place..may cost a little more but you will at least be covered by warrantys etc. again...found out the hard way

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Thanks Cain - that's what I was after. I guessed as much.

Gus - at $900 new I'd rather use my eyes.

Could probably land one from the US for $600-650 but fcuk sending it back to the states for a warranty claim.

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