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E46 M43 to M54 conversion

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Hi all,

I know that this is a pretty general question, but any comments are appreciated. I'm just wondering what is involved in swapping out an M43 (1.9L) and putting an M54 (2.2 or 2.5L) into an E46.

What else would need to be changed apart from the engine? Will the transmission (auto) and suspension etc. hold up or are they different for the larger engined E46's?


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Dont bother get a real one to start with

Thanks for you comment but not really what I was wanting to know...

I wasn't actually wanting other people's opinions on what is and isn't a real car...

I would however appreciate any comments on the the question I asked originally :-)


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i have to agree , its not realy woth it , due to all the bits you are going to need to get it right , a damged e46 cost $5k tp $10k or so .

all the drivelines will need to changed , lots of wiring etc , keys with codes match the ecu's etc .

just better to sell 318i and buy a 323i or 328i etc , would be cheaper than converting and a lot less work .

trust me i strip bmw's down i see the differences , and specially on the later model stuff

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Hey guys,

Thanks for the comments :-) that answers what I was wondering :-) I just didn't know how much of the drivetrain was the same... from what you say not much :P


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Also don't underestimate Brents comment the electronics in the bigger cars are far more sophisticated , plus they are generally higher spec

lol I believe you :-)

I think i'll limit my self to simpler stuff on my 318i. Then maybe in a couple of years when I'm 25 the insurance company will let me get a 330i or something :P

Thanks all

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