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kut kings yo

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saw this made me laugh http://www.trademe.co.nz/Trade-Me-Motors/C...n-115058538.htm

how do you expect to sell something like this lol

but on the bright side

*Very low (bumps in the rear and cut kings in the front)*

*Very good on gas i never have to put petrel in

half as much as my mates cars and still goes well for 1600

*Excellent condition (cant find a dent anywhere)

last one

Only reason for selling is i have lost my license

Txt me

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Its a hybrid - he never has to put petrel [sic] in.

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Sure that's not your other car?

hahahaha nah not mine mate , why would yah say that?

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So if someone was to buy that, have an accident cause of the cut kings, whose fault is that??? The seller who fitted them or the new owner who stupidly drove on them.

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