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Best wireless internet....

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I have just purchased a new laptop an am wanting to get wireless internet for it. In my last flat we had a phone line and modem but it was a waste of money as the phone line cost $50 a month on top of the $50 for the net, and we never used it.

My question is what is the best unit plan/money/size wise?? My mates got a vodem at 1GB which is about $50 a month and $10 extra for another GB, or somethig similar to that. What's telecoms network like?

The comp will most likely be used for work, downloading music, files etc....no online gaming though.

I live in P. North if that has any attributing factors.

Your opinion would be much appreciated.



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I using the telecom mobile broadband rev a, it works pretty well and im quite happy with how fast it is. Mines pretty much the same price as the voda contract ($50 a month + $10 for 1 more gb) dont go over that second gb as i once did (watching to many youtube videos!) i got nailed big time $400 bucks extra for 1 month! couldnt belive it.So if you downloading be very carefull !


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Or wait a month or so. Naked DSL is coming. i.e. broadband on your landline, but you won't need to have a phone account. According to my g/f who works for a broadband company they will be offering it in about a month.

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You say it's being used for work, can you get work to pay/subsidise the cost?

Sounds like you're in a flat? I'd go for the DSL and bang a wireless router on it so you can have multiple computers using it simultaneously be it wired or wireless, then you can share the cost with others in the flat. I've got a spare WLAN router for sale.

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Are you wanting to be able to be on the net ANYWHERE, or just for your home?

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You say it's being used for work, can you get work to pay/subsidise the cost?

Sounds like you're in a flat? I'd go for the DSL and bang a wireless router on it so you can have multiple computers using it simultaneously be it wired or wireless, then you can share the cost with others in the flat. I've got a spare WLAN router for sale.

The work I will be doing on it is my study for my Diploma at Polytech...so I dont think that will be an option.

Yeah in a flat. Would that mean that i would have to get a phone line though? Im a noob when it comes to computers....



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