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Which Exhaust

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Need to get a new exhaust for the E30, as it is a bit buggered and dont think it will pass the next warrent.

Was thinking of getting one from overseas like this? I think it is the same system as the one on bmw2002.com?

or would I be better off just getting a second hand one off another E30??



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Need to get a new exhaust for the E30, as it is a bit buggered and dont think it will pass the next warrent.

Was thinking of getting one from overseas like this? I think it is the same system as the one on bmw2002.com?

or would I be better off just getting a second hand one off another E30??



Hey nick,

Get a Schnitzer from Geff Greys itl only cost you $1500 for just the tip :blink:


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Hey nick,

Get a Schnitzer from Geff Greys itl only cost you $1500 for just the tip :blink:


Unreal ae, they quoted me 1000 for a rear muffler, bloody rip off

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Need to get a new exhaust for the E30, as it is a bit buggered and dont think it will pass the next warrent.

Was thinking of getting one from overseas like this? I think it is the same system as the one on bmw2002.com?

or would I be better off just getting a second hand one off another E30??



Ok - what would a good 2nd hand one be worth, if you are serious,

cntx me direct on < [email protected] > I have a twin pipe system complete.


Paul - E30 320i 2 door

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Woolfe mufflers do some really really nice remus systems :) they have quite the extensive range. have been to them twice twice now in the recent months and one for a full system, highly recommened.

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Also if I was to buy the one of ebay and get it shipped to NZ would I get stung with customs duty or anything??

Thanks in advance

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yeah man, you'll get hit hard with both duty tax (10% for car parts) and GST (12.5%) see here:


This seems to be a hit and miss, I just imported $1500 worth of suspension from Turner Motorsport in the US, and even though the package got held up in customs, I didn't get charged GST or duty in it. I fully expected to pay GST at least on it.



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This seems to be a hit and miss, I just imported $1500 worth of suspension from Turner Motorsport in the US, and even though the package got held up in customs, I didn't get charged GST or duty in it. I fully expected to pay GST at least on it.



Cheers for the reply, so does it come into the port and get on sent to you or do you have to pick it up. Is it safe??

Thanks alot


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Cheers for the reply, so does it come into the port and get on sent to you or do you have to pick it up. Is it safe??

Thanks alot


Mine got delivered to my door (via Fedex). I did expect to have to pick it up from their base, especially after they phoned me and told me that customs would not clear it.

My customs issue was because everything with a value of over NZ$1000 needs to have the importer registered with customs. I filled out a form and emailed it off, and it was done. The suspension turned up the next day.

From what I was reading, customs do not actually have an area for clearing goods, they rely on the company transporting the goods to hold and clear the goods on their behalf (someone on here might better explain this, and provide a few more accurate details). In my case, Fedex must have a customs clearance area.

What I ended up with was an import certificate that arrived with the goods as well, that must have been generated to allow it to clear customs.

Hope this is somewhat helpful,



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From what I was reading, customs do not actually have an area for clearing goods, they rely on the company transporting the goods to hold and clear the goods on their behalf (someone on here might better explain this, and provide a few more accurate details). In my case, Fedex must have a customs clearance area.

Nothing more than that Grant, each shipping/courier company will have a 'bonded' area where they have to keep all the non-customs cleared cargo.

Doing your own customs clearance is a piece of cake, dont let anyone take your money to do it. Most Customs officers are sweet if you dont try to pull a fast one. Be honest and 9/10 you'll get your goods cleared with no problems whatsoever. I even had one guy fill out the forms for me !



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jut be careful that any second hand exhaust is not about to go where yours went.

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*cough* ship with DHL they tend to forget to charge GST.. *cough*

(They have been to court for it over 50 times this year hah)

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