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316 performance

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i finally found specs on my E30 316 i dont no what the engine code is coz i thought it was a M10 but now i found out its carb'd so does anyone no of any mods i can do to it to get a bit more performance in it,can i get dellorito(sp) carbs or anything like that i no what you are all going to say but i want to get more performance out of this engine, cheers.

my cars specs: http://www.carfolio.com/specifications/mod...s/id/?id=106942

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316 performance

I don't think I seen those 2 words together before!?!?!

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do it man. prove these guys wrong, and get some power outta a 316!

do exhaust, carbs, and extractors to start off with, then do some head work, changing the cam, port and polishing etc

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dude...seriously....why? you wont gain f**k all.....even a 320 is pointless to do anything too.....

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Because i love my car and i dont see the point in selling it to get a 325 because im goin to loose soo much money and i cant afford an engine conversion so i just want to play round with the performance a bit and see if i can open it up a bit more think of me as an explorer(maybe a stupid explorer but an elplorer none the less ;) ) :finger: :blink:

Edited by BMW316i

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if it makes you happy....but i just dont see the sense in throwing money away.....why not just leave it as it is? then wait till you can afford whatever....any upgrades that would be worthwhile would be suspension work....at least that can be transferred to another car when the time comes

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get a honda.

nah seriously your 1.6 will be eaten by mine.. and mine costs $600 out of a box, new... so that aint saying much.

if your gonna mod your engine, turbo or get a bigger engine.. then turbo from there!

$$$ to gain, aint gonna be worth it!

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Guest Andrew

You might crack 60 kW if you did all those mods...

You have the M10 motor. There is nothing you can do to it really - turbo would be an OK option - but doesn't make much power on those motors either.

Do a swap if you love your car that much.

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You should elborate a bit further than that andrew, to:

There is nothing you can do to it really, without spending alot of $$$.

You'd need a big cam, a pair of webers, head work, high comp. pistons (full rebuild also) etc...

And it would make very respectable HP.

But it would be a pig to drive the streets in & cost you a few vital organs.

But as you said:


i cant afford an engine conversion so i just want to play round with the performance a bit and see if i can open it up a bit more...

What we are trying to say is, don't bother putting a 2.5" zorst on and drive around making some hideous racket (getting pink stickered by the cops) for a measly 0.5hp that took you from 29.75rwhp to 30.25rwhp.

What you have got is a good chassis, so enjoy you carb'd M10, and if/when the time comes do a motor swap to get some more HP.

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Yayya go hard man, be different i reckon, its awesome that u wanna do it up, dont listen to what anyone else says, (however true what they say is :S) i also have a 316i-

power to the people!!

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be different i reckon

so? just because its different it doesnt mean its good....im not knocking 318s and 316s...they good for their intended purpose...its just not performance that they are intended for

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I would save the coin... and when you got a bit together, go big!! gotta start somewhere its got a cidney grill so at least your on the right track.

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that should be chidney

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now, listen up

im about to tell you alittle something here, most people here know.

sell 316i and buy 325i

if there isnt anything here you cant understand, TELL ME.

316i= :thumbsdown:

325i= :thumb:

you will find much more joy, and most people will agree with me (apart from sic)

he's not human, he's a..........(fill it in sic)

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Trust me, don't bother doing anything to the engine. My mate brought a 2.5 and gerabox for $600 that runs fine. Thats over double the power of your car. You would be lucky to get a 5kw gain out of your engine for that money. Spend money on suspension, wheels, brakes then when you have some money you can put a 2.5 and have a real decent car, or spend nothing and save up for engine now.

Other option is debadge it and just have a looks and sounds car.

Other thing, is it a 316i or a 316? I thought i meant injected and yours is carb.

And it is an M10

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Guest Spargo
  Andrew said:

You have the M10 motor. turbo would be an OK option - but doesn't make much power on those motors either.

Anrew, you and I both know that that is a barefaced lie.

800hp out of a turbo'd M10 bro, Should be awesome.

Oh, you'll need an S14 head, at least a T67, and probably MoTeC. At least its been done before!

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You have the M10 motor. turbo would be an OK option - but doesn't make much power on those motors either.

While they might not make much power they still go pretty well. There are a few sites on the net where guys have done custom turbos and the cars were doing 0 - 100 in around 6 sec, thats not too bad, and plenty fast enough for me.

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  bumpstop325 said:

he's not human, he's a..........(fill it in sic)

nah ya got me..

i was gonna fill it in with Homo / hardass / badassness hardassness mofo / sucka / fool / playa / pirate arrh! / various other comment.

depends on the context, and this is not placed in the message very well.

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Guest Andrew
  CiLK WuRM said:
  Andrew said:

You have the M10 motor.  turbo would be an OK option - but doesn't make much power on those motors either.

Anrew, you and I both know that that is a barefaced lie.

800hp out of a turbo'd M10 bro, Should be awesome.

Oh, you'll need an S14 head, at least a T67, and probably MoTeC. At least its been done before!

I was talking on stock internals.. around 11 lbs of boost .. a few making 170 - 180 hp.

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they good for their intended purpose...

yer 316's and 318's are pretty much ment to be cruisers..never knew my car was carb'd thou, haha, anyways if your so keen on your bmw 4 banger enginge, why not buy a e36's wrecked one? youd sorta have a 316is thing going on.?

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  Munts316i said:

yer 316's and 318's are pretty much ment to be cruisers..never knew my car was carb'd thou, haha, anyways if your so keen on your bmw 4 banger enginge, why not buy a e36's wrecked one? youd sorta have a 316is thing going on.?

Yours is a facelift isnt it? ours have a different motor- the M40 in ours.

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