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New Headunit = Flat Battery ???

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Hi people,

I had a new head unit installed at a car audio place. 3 days later I had a flat battery. I ended up buying a new battery but yesterday my car didnt want to start until I took the headunit face off. Then it worked. Before I go back to the car audio place, do you guys and girls think they wired it some-how wrong?

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Does it switch off when you turn the key off?? If not maybe they wired constant power to the ignition 12v input.

The head unit has 2 power sources - a constant 12v straight off the battery for keeping your radio stations and clock going, etc, and supplying the main current feed when the ignition is on and a switched 12v supply from the ignition which tells it to turn on etc.

If they wired both feeds as constant feeds, the unit won't switch off with the ignition and will drain power.

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Nope, it turns off when the key is off. Does the usual beeping to let you know the front needs to be taken off. Maybe it was just me and bad luck. Thanks for the imput mate. Greatly appreciated.


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