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95-96 318si

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As per the title a work mate is selling his and I was wondering what sort of money it is likely to go for.

It is a metallic burgundy colour, black leather seats, 5 speed manual, car alarm and spoiler etc. Has full service history since he has owned it, coming up on 200,000k now he bought it about 80,000k has owned it for about eight years.

Thanks for any assistance

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Hi Allan,

Im guessing its a 318is? Is it NZ New? 2 door or 4?

All these things will make a bit of a difference in working out a price.



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It is a four door sorry, not sure on the NZ point will ask how much diff would it make?

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A big difference if its from Singapore! :)

Selling points would be the service history and it being manual.

I reckon its prob worth somewhere between $4000-$4500. There is a similar one on Trade Me done 140k for $5000 at present

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Thanks for that it gives me a starting point will see what his thoughts are on price.

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