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Auto box has a mind of its own

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Hey guys

my problem is with my 89 e30 325IA

the gearbox seems to have a mind of its own and is increasingly getting worse,

It started off at around 140km if you back off the throttle it would jump gears and throw the car about and basically jump to redline untill i smaked it back into netural, on the aniversary weekend cruise it has changed from happening at 140km to 120km

And today it just dosnt seem right,taking off from lights it will hold first until about 5000 revs then jolt into second and always sits it a high gear when cruising.

It has a slow oil leak so i top'd the oil up on sunday , could this have caused a problem?



Edit: Retard spelling

Edited by Matty104

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i have 325i e30 trans if needed .



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i have 325i e30 trans if needed .



Thanks mate, If im going to replace it I think I will do a manual conversion ( if i can get a full setup of absolutly everything i need)

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hey matt, i still have the auto out of my car, done just over 83000km so if you do need it its always there and we will sus out a price


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From the sounds of it...your auto has had it's days....looks like a manual conversion coming up next

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I think that is the case glenn

I went to see SD European today, they said $1700 for the complete setup with a 260 box ,, and and extra $500 if the were to install it. is that an ok price? i will need to do it pretty soon as its getting a bit tedious to drive

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I think that is the case glenn

I went to see SD European today, they said $1700 for the complete setup with a 260 box ,, and and extra $500 if the were to install it. is that an ok price? i will need to do it pretty soon as its getting a bit tedious to drive

install price is ok ,.

i think you will find kits on trade me for a bit less.

evan european auto spare have a kit on there .

also plenty of private guys selling as well.


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Got may car back today with new clutch , oils etc (260 box) with short shifter and new shifter linkage bush and what not and words can not explain how happy i am with it now, like a whole other car , put a smile on my face that hasnt gone away yet.

took alot longer than expcted with problem after problem with the kit i was supplyed , i asked the supplyer if i needed a new clutch and was assured that i was getting a great one with many year of life, kit turns up with a stuffed clutch , springs missing, and the small springs toward the center ( im a noob with names of parts sorry) three were broken and one was jamed under the actual plate of the clutch , pressure plate wasnt in very good shape at all and flywheel was only just salvagable, master cylinder lid was stuffed ( no biggie but still and extra cost) pfl drive shaft supplied so had a different hanger bearing, .so had to replace all those parts , so instead of costing $1500 it has cost me $2200,

supplyer is being a complete ass about it telling my i was trying to do things cheap (definitly not the case) simple fact is if i had been told i needed a new clutch i would have got one, but being assured it was a very good one i payed his asking price that same day . so does anyone think i have a right to try claim some reperation to cover the "crap" he sold me?

Naming and shaming = Pending

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You have every right mate. False advertising. If someone sold me something that was meant to have years of life left in it and it arrived in such a sh*ty state I had to replace it (And by the sounds of things, half of the rest of the kit aswel) I would be asking for a refund personally.

Name and shame mate, they brought it on themselfs.

Glad to hear the bimmers going great though. You really can't beat a manual. I can't imagine how my mates could only have an auto license. I'm the only one that can drive a manual, and actually the only one who really enjoys driving! Haha. Changes the whole feel of a car.

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haha auto to manual is AMMMAAZZZZZIIING... i know the feeling!


def name and shame as others have said... false advertising

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Be very careful what you say here... before you open your mouths with anything more to say. Please send me the faulty parts and pictures of the flywheel..... or for ever hold your tongues ( fingers on keyboard acting without the total use of brains) Furthermore....there is always two sides of a story or dissagreement and it doesnt need to be on here.

Use PM, phone, face to face & sort it. And also in fairness to the supplier.... did you not even consider that the installer was having you on ??

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Don't worry Glenn I am not going to disclose the supplyer untill things have been sorted, and only then it would be if he doesn't come to the party in fixing the problem.

I was simply posting my question and asking weather or not I have a right to complain about what i was sold or just let it go, and the general consesious (sp) is that I DO have a reason to complain, ( imagine yourself as an apprentice saving for the conversion in the future then you end up having to do it sooner rather than later ( not at the punch line yet) then getting stung with problems that are costing you two od weeks wages EXTRA ontop of what should have been a simple exersize to stay honest in)

To be honest I have no reson to doubt the installer as he hasnt made any extra money off me because i did not buy anything through him and he looked at the parts while i was there and i got second opinions from other mechanics ,I have gone about all this the right way and explored all the avenues i assure you.

I am sending the supplyer the the clutch back so he can see it but will take photos before i do send it,

although i am not happy about all the other problems i could handle that , but after being assured it was a good quality item i am not happy.

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Thats fine...I'm not trying to take sides here...just be sure of all your facts and deal with it off screen.

I just dont like seeing crucifications on here through missunderstandings & lack of knowledge

BTW: I could sell you a new manual conversion with all new parts for $12,230.45 + Gst..... any takers ???

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Hey There,

I had this problem only 3 weeks but.

I got it checked out $500 and the second gear cluth had gone. Guy said this offer happens to the e30 transmissions.

Now I got ma manual waaaay better ;D

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It seems like everybody's doing it. I too have installed the wiggly stick in my e30 just a few weeks ago, at the same time as the 2.7 went in. Out with the Nanna trans and in with the 260. Yeehah!

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