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Guest Simon*

Sponsor a child with UNICOFF

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Guest Simon*

Hey guys

For just $12 a week you too can sponsor a child with UNICOFF (in association with William Morris Inc). Here's my little sponsor guy, making great use of my donations.



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that is possibly the most badass child ive ever seen

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Guest Simon*

You've been duped simon

Thats no child,

Its a korean fighting midget :ph34r:

Well if that's the case I want a cut of his winnings! I practically own that little sucker!!!

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but hahaha the man, or child...whatever

wonder how much deathsticks r wherever hes from

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hahah not what i was expecting to see when i opened it!

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$12.00 a week is only going to buy a pack of 20's

You are going to need a hell of a lot of sponsers for that little chain smoker.

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