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embarrassing question

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pretty embarrassing question to ask haha

front bonet ? how does it stay up lol it doesnt have a rod u put up so what do you do ?

haha sorry first car and first bmw btw its 84 320i e30

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They have gas struts, if the struts are rooted then it won't stay up, get them re gased or replace them.

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ahhh so should i just push it up and it will stay up ? it happens to my mates e30 too ?

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They don't all have gas struts, mine has sort of 'hinge arm' see bottom right of attached picture.

[Edit] Brain fart moment, I think mine does have a gas strut :wacko:

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Edited by Hi-Tek

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ahh yeah i have hinge arms ? they dont lock though is there a special way you lock them or ?

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^^^^ in reference to that pic of the immaculate m3 engine bay :wub: im pretty sure the gas strut comes off the hinge onto the car, just below where the eye cannot see, my 318i didn't have a gas strut but a metal rod in place of it, compared to my 320i and 325i that do have gas struts

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ahh yeah i have hinge arms ? they dont lock though is there a special way you lock them or ?

I think I was talking smack Louis, thinking a bit harder on the subject I'm pretty sure I do have a gas strut.

This pic might help mate.

Part # 51 23 1 906 286

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Here you go mate, in the red.

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Edited by Hi-Tek

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All E30's have a gas strut on R/H side. If not there then it has been taken off.

Very common to loose pressure & not hold bonnet too.

As said above - replace or regas

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sounds like you need a new one of these. its located by the hinge. I have a few if needed. Pm for a price. Cheers Mike.


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