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Owners of new cars to gain from ACC change

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Drivers of older cars may soon be stung for higher car registration costs because their vehicles lack the safety features of newer cars, such as side airbags and electronic stability control.

This would be stupid if it went through, Not everyone can afford a new car.... and not all old cars aren't safe...

as the dog and lemon guide suggests, the car is only as safe as the driver.

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Yes but if I had the choice of crashing into a Mack truck that's crossed the centre-line in either an E30 or an E90, I would prefer the gazillion airbags.

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Shouldn't people with less safer car's be charged less. If your more likely to die, ACC/Hospitals wont have to spend anything on you as there are no ongoing health problems or long stays at the hospital(because you will be dead). Then again if your dead they won't be receiving tax's anymore as you wont be working/spending much.


Edited by Jamez

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What a dopey idea. Most of us here own multiple vehicles (those of us over twelve, that is) and most likely have a vehicle which does very few k's in a year, and yet we pay the same ACC levy on that vehicle as a sales rep's car that does 100,000k's a year. Surely a registration and levy system linked to annual mileage (could be paid with your WOF based on distance travelled) would be a better and more fair system? The fact that my convertible is 21 years old doesn't make it more of a risk on the road for ACC, because it spends most of its life in the garage - especially during winter. It only goes out when the roads are dry, during daylight hours, when it's warm. So I should be paying stuff all ACC on that vehicle I would have thought.

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While I agree to the above post - I feel I would get pwned. I love the current system. Keep paying for my Ks. :P

I agree with the lower ACC and thus registration for newer cars, they are usually (not always) better in every aspect, crash, road wear, environemental crap, comfort etc.

And while there might be a higher chance of dying in a serious crash, there is also a higher chance of serious injury in less major crashes in an older car. Thus, the total cost is increased.

Implement the new system and start the road user charges for all vehicles. My 2c

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What a dopey idea. Most of us here own multiple vehicles (those of us over twelve, that is) and most likely have a vehicle which does very few k's in a year, and yet we pay the same ACC levy on that vehicle as a sales rep's car that does 100,000k's a year. Surely a registration and levy system linked to annual mileage (could be paid with your WOF based on distance travelled) would be a better and more fair system? The fact that my convertible is 21 years old doesn't make it more of a risk on the road for ACC, because it spends most of its life in the garage - especially during winter. It only goes out when the roads are dry, during daylight hours, when it's warm. So I should be paying stuff all ACC on that vehicle I would have thought.


Im in for a bit of both, one of our cars does less than a 1,000km a year and yet we pay the same in registration for it, the Beemer does less than 5,000 and has a the same safety as a paper bag, the other does 20,000km but has 10 airbags and a European five star safety rating.

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