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another awesome email we just received

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I shouldn't really comment as it is your business and not mine.


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I don't mean to have a go at you, but what were your intentions when sending this email?

If I was the guy who received this email I would be pissed off with your company's arrogance.

Aren't these sort of people your largest target market? The ones that would happily spend $3k plus on a set of wheels and tyres for their slammed [insert jap boy racer car here] as well as using your finance too?

I bet he will be pretty annoyed when he gets your email and will tell his mates about it to. To me you have gained nothing from this except alienating a customer or two who will now try hard to give their business to a competitor.

I shouldn't really comment as it is your business and not mine, but I can't see any benefit in sending those sort of messages to potential customers.

Crockett - you are welcome to your views, but please take into account that he sent this email to a number of companies (yes, he included them all in the "to" field).

We get a number of these emails regularly, most of them have some degree of punctuation and grammar that makes it legible, and these people get a polite thanks but no thanks. However this guy was obvioulsy just fishing and had not bothered to put any effort or thought into it, hence the 'to the point reply'.

I am not sure how it is arrogant. Granted it was to the point, but it was also very truthful. We do expect a reasonable standard of professionalism from anybody that is representing us. I am sure you would do the same if you had somebody out there representing a company of yours. Sending a reply is surely better than sending no reply at all? I bet that I am the only one that will reply to him. Even if it was rather blunt, it was truthful and gave him an indication of what he needs to do to become sponsored.

I can just about also guarantee that this 'project' will still be under construction for the next 2 -3 years before it even sees a show, and by then, wheel fashion will have changed again.

Our target market is not the "boy racer" market who all need finance. We do not offer any finance. In fact the majority of our business is 30-50 year olds who actually have some discretionary money to spend and we are actually up on sales substantially compared to last year. Word of mouth has by far been our most successful form of advertising.

If it did come across as arrogant - I apologise.



Edited by zenetti

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I'm just going to close this thread before it goes wayward. I can see some of our less mature members turning this into a moderation nightmare.

Thankyou Crockett and Zenetti for being mature enough not to get personal.

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