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Death of a BMW.

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Watch and weep

The cars traded in the American Cash for Clunkers program had to have their engines disabled. They did this by draining the oil and filling with a mixture of water, silica and sand. Then reved them until they seized.

But the Beemer took a lot of killing.

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I haven't seen it before.

But wtf.. wouldn't they more beneficial to sell the motor instead of seizing what seems to be a perfectly fine running motor then left with a giant paper weight.


Edited by e30ftw

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That guy was nearly crying, why couldn't he trade his jeep in for it, what a waste!

Edited by Greg.

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Is this the one where they do burnouts in it too? I'd looove that car. it's manual too?

at least the Cash for Clonkers program is over. The guy actually found cars that shouldn'tve been there in the first place (one requirement that was the car got less than 18mpg) he frequently found cars OBC's getting like 20+mpg.

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This is a repost

Sorry about that Simon but I did have a look before I posted this and couldn't find it anywhere.

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What is the point of that show? Do they just get paid to f**k their cars?

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What is the point of that show? Do they just get paid to f**k their cars?

basically yes..supposedly to get a newer more efficient car and to help stimulate the US auto industry

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i got sent a list of nice cars that got destroyed mainly so the owner could feel green (california thing i think)

it included like a dozen 850csi bentlys cl5000 mercs etc i could probably find it but i dont want to look at it to be honest

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