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gah another cover your face bmw moment

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so 40 mins ago i decided to gas up the 7. was looking for the keys but could not find the original one. so off i went to get the spare and then drove off to get gas. once i got to caltex, was going to turn my ignition off. it spun freely and i was able to pull the key out of the ignition with the engine still running.. im going WTFMOTHa^*%**$!! of all the days it could happen it happens when i got sh*t to do 2mro!!!.... i inserted the key back in and now it wont turn. - as if the steering lock is permanently on / wrong key inserted.

got back in the car and prayed to god the steering lock does not engage while nursing the car home. got home, left the car on the driveway idling away and let my sausage dog out to pee / guard the car while i go inside and rummage through for the original key. found it and tried turning the ignition.. still dont work. wont turn at all.

since the car was still running and i have no other way to turn it off. popped open the hood. took out the pod filter and put my hands over the intake to starve the engine of oxygen. then i quicky ran to the boot to unplug the battery.

after that tried to wiggle the key in the hopes of getting it to align properly and turn. did not force the twisting just gentle twist and wiggling. still nada..

is this fixable? i really dont want to buy another ignition barrel with a new set of keys. 1 spare key cost me $100!! <_< and dont want to be carrying 2 keys 1 for doors and 1 for ignition. :confused:

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ring glenn , he has guy that might be able to fix it if he can get the barrol out ./ overwise a new ign barrol and housing with key , then get the barrol recoded to work with your old key .

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would a low battery be the cause? coz i think the batts are low

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going to open it up in a bit... gah so annoying... <_<

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I can fix that tomorrow, so long as you don't play with it. You'll need to get it towed to the workshop though

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