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Oil leak

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Spent last Saturday dropping the pants on the 530 and replacing the sump gasket. A few weeks before had noticed some oil on the garage floor, bugger now whats given up the ghost. Put the car on stands and got underneath to have a look sure enough oil droplets on some sump bolts also the length of the sump and onto the auto sump pan muttering certain words to myself lowered the car down and sort the Bentley service manual. After having a read of the manual and what it involved thought what a mission but it had to be fixed.

A couple of phone calls, one to order parts and the other to a mate who had just fitted a two pole hoist and all was set.


various bolts, dip stick etc


front view


rear view




This involved supporting the motor, dropping the sub-frame enough to remove the sump.Then cleaning every thing and reassemble, replace the sump gasket, "O" rings and sump plug washer doesn't it sound easy yeah right well it wasn't as bad as I had thought. This took us five and half hours so not to bad a effort even if I do say so myself.


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Nice work! And thats pretty damn quick.

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Woah, awesome work! Im having the exact same problem, but on my E34. No way I can do it by myself though! Did you call around and get any quotes to get it done professionally?

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Allan.... did you do the oil filter remote housing gasket as well ? The second picture looks like the oil is also leaking from higher up. The OFR housing gaskets leak (common) and it sometimes looks like its coming from the sump gasket.

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Hi Nickbawl yes I did from the dealer around the $450.00 and from a local garage wasn't much better but now after doing it can see why. It's like any thing if you have the right gear it's not difficult to do.

Glen no I didn't I had it taken care of 6 months after I first bought her. It did have me going for awhile before this because their was another leak coming from the power steering reservoir the hose clip underneath was loose and the 'o" ring on the reservoir cap had been flattened by over tightening.

The sealing section of the sump gasket was very brittle when we took if off it had cracked in two places not sure if we did it removing it or that was why the oil leak started. Now think of it the only problem we did have was those three trox bolts we found, no mention of any in the manual. The first two were hidden behind the exhaust mount bracket, third photo shows the bracket they were in behind it and the third was up the side almost a gearbox / bell housing bolt these held the rear of the sump in place.

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