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Haha, very good.

But I'll still vote for him.

(go lower taxes go!)

I think so many of his proposed policies just make sense.

Like taking out references to The Treaty of Waitangi in job descriptions.

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Can someone tell me who exactly the person on the left is ??

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Hehe, every time I look at Don now I see Monty, hehehe, fly my pretties fly!

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The problem with current NZ politics is that there is no choice, it's either going to be a National or Labour led government and they're both no good.

Labour is the best party but has socialist policies

National has capitalist policies but has no leadership (read: if they get into power they'll crumble from in-house fighting and power struggles)

If you don't want to vote for a politician because you think she a cock sucker then you're a f**kwit who should go waste a vote on the Christian Party. A good cock sucking politician is better than a mindless starfish twat hands down.

If brash played the Monty Burns card he'll win hands down, evil politicians are far more employable, beats fake ones who try playing every trick and failing.

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dude, i have reasons to not vote for helen clarke..... as it is ya can't win voting for anybody, politics is always like that, but national always has, and, especially now, appealed to me.... labour doesn't work for new zealand, IMO national has more virtues that work for new zealands rural backbone...

in saying that, new zealand will never work because the government has it's priorities screwed up.... they're dishing out more money to overseas countries in need than to it's own people, they gave jack sh*t to flood victims in manawatu/welly/far north after the damage in the last year, yet whooping ut a shitload for tsunami victims and cyclone victims in asia and the islands.... i wouldn't be surprised if it's all for taking steps towards helen clarke's "post politics" u.n. job that she wants

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dude, i have reasons to not vote for helen clarke..... as it is ya can't win voting for anybody, politics is always like that, but national always has, and, especially now, appealed to me.... labour doesn't work for new zealand, IMO national has more virtues that work for new zealands rural backbone...

in saying that, new zealand will never work because the government has it's priorities screwed up.... they're dishing out more money to overseas countries in need than to it's own people, they gave jack sh*t to flood victims in manawatu/welly/far north after the damage in the last year, yet whooping ut a shitload for tsunami victims and cyclone victims in asia and the islands.... i wouldn't be surprised if it's all for taking steps towards helen clarke's "post politics" u.n. job that she wants

The current government may not be appealing to you for certain reasons, however, were you to be a mindless union worker you'd be thinking differently. It's all about no. 1 with voters.

I would be personally much better of if National were in control, the tax cuts they flout alone would benefit me alot since i'm in the top braket, however, you CAN'T trust a politician and their election promises.

Please note that I haven't said who gets my vote, i'm just pointing out a few things.

As for the government helping other nations and not Manuwatu, GET REAL. and think again, the government paid out an aweful alot of money to the flooded areas but beauracracy (sp) means that farmers and the like don't see it in their hands like a dole payout. Regardless of what government was in power there'd be no difference at all about their priority, remember, Labour seems to be the hand out government.

As for helping other countries, just think, if we never helped out other countries who's going to help us out when something goes horribly wrong?

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Guest Spargo

New Zealands rural backbone = LOL.

Don't get me wrong, i've worked on farms for summer jobs, I know exactly where you're coming from, but we have TOO many of the damned things.

Look at Ireland, they used to be in exactly the same situation as we find ourselves now. They offered major incentives for big technological manufacturers to setup shop in Ireland, and as a net result, their GDP / EEC standing / skilled labour pool and the like shot into the top 5 in the world for country size.

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skilled labour pool and the like shot into the top 5 in the world for country size.

Hmmmm my experience of this was vastly different.

The company I worked for in England decided it was better to make everyone in a 200 person strong finance company redundant and move to Ireland. The IT section alone was 45 people.

They advertised extensively for programmers, DBA, BA's, Unix people, web people, the whole shebang.......they got one applicant who was straight out of polytech with no commercial experience whatsoever.

It may be cheap for the companies and they may get massive tax breaks etc but in IT there is a massive shortage of skilled people. A major issue in that is the cost of living in Dublin. It compares with London these days and the salaries are around half of what you can earn in London.

Its wound up costing them a fortune because they now have to outsource everything back to the UK and have even re-employed some of those they got rid of and fly them to Ireland and back each week.

This was not some poxy two-bit outfit either. It was a massive worldwide financial organisation taking care of the leased and financing customers of Dell computers worldwide.

Just one example obviously, but an example of where Irelands policies may look good in the short term, but under the surface its not as rosy as people might think.



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so does anyone like religion?

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Guest Spargo

so does anyone like religion?

I can't achieve transcendancy by myself, i'll look like some kind of lone nut!

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so does anyone like religion?

Oi back on topic. Don't make us report you to the mod of this forum. :P

Anyway... I'm somewhat surprised by the volumes of National supporters here. For some reason I expected to be harrassed as a Brash supporter... go figure.

Personally I believe far more in the ethos behind National policies, which generally favours more power & control in the hands of private individuals & organisations rather than a large maternal government.

It is also interesting though how many people vote for an Opposition party more as a vote AGAINST the incumbent government than anything else.

For example the whole 'family support' move that provides benefits for families earning between $38k - 60k p.a. This initiative actually provides serious disincentives for working families to work. Marginal tax rates for individuals working in this band can be up to 90%. Something is fundamentally wrong if a family "earning" $60k actually only gets $1,400 more after-tax-after-benefit income than the family earning $38k.

Oh and I'm sick & tired of the perception that anyone earning over $60k is 'rich.' Let Michael Cullen harp on about how the 'top tax bracket in the USA is still higher than ours' ... but what he fails to mention is that the top tax bracket in the US only kicks in at $USD 200,000! (and also fails to mention the long list of tax deductions ordinary households can make).

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Guest Spargo

Michael, we drive bimmers, 'nuff said! :lol:

I'd suggest that there a couple of 20-21year olds on here earning in the top tax bracket, one way or another. That puts the top tax bracket into perspective, ie: it's actually f**k all.

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Haha good point... though mostly E30s so that doesn't put too many in the top tax bracket.

Anyone know how much mortgage/house you can buy if you're earning a "rich" $60k in Auckland or Wellington?

the government has it's priorities screwed up.... they're dishing out more money to overseas countries in need than to it's own people, they gave jack sh*t to flood victims in manawatu/welly/far north after the damage in the last year, yet whooping ut a shitload for tsunami victims and cyclone victims in asia and the islands

I think there is a slight difference between these two in terms of scope of damage and number of victims. Besides, by far the largest brunt of damage by those storms are met by insurance companies. Around $100M if I remember correctly for the Feb04 floods.

I may sound like a hard bastard here... but my feeling is that most of people people bailed out by the government in those floods were people who couldn't be bothered paying for insurance. :thumbsdown:

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Haha good point... though mostly E30s so that doesn't put too many in the top tax bracket.

Anyone know how much mortgage/house you can buy if you're earning a "rich" $60k in Auckland or Wellington?

I think there is a slight difference between these two in terms of scope of damage and number of victims.  Besides, by far the largest brunt of damage by those storms are met by insurance companies.  Around $100M if I remember correctly for the Feb04 floods.

I may sound like a hard bastard here... but my feeling is that most of people people bailed out by the government in those floods were people who couldn't be bothered paying for insurance.  :thumbsdown:

About $320,000 I think give or take a few thousand.

EDIT: Ignore that, $100k a year will get you $320,000 which = sh*t all in Wellington city.

Edited by Deftones

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I think that 60K is f**k all to be considered rich !!!!!

They really should increase the top bracket much much higher than it is now .. it's pretty much just a tax sucking thing !! how rude !

I guess thats why there are soo many people into tax avoision(or is it evasion? which ever the legal one is) .....

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Vote for Don Brash

He seems he knows what he is talking about

Oh that is rich coming from someone who can't even vote yet :lol:

Brash should stick to financial port-folios and let someone with charisma lead the party, IMHO, his lack of charisma mirrors Helen which doesn't help, get someone like Bill Clinton to lead a party where the real politicians do the work in the background, that's proper politics :)

Interesting who pipes up when threads get political, but at least the title states it!

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Helen which doesn't help, get someone like Bill Clinton to lead a party where the real politicians do the work in the background, that's proper politics :)

Yes I think Bill Clinton would be a good one ... since he lead US anyway .. but thats not the point .. the point is he knows what he is talking about and he is a well qualified person too ....

I thought when Jim was still on it went rather well ... but that was my opinion .. cause Jim led a campaign that was good for the working class ...

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Sic, dont get me started on religion.....seriously :D


My comments on Ireland werent meant to shoot you down or anything mate, just personal experience thats all. In all other respects Ireland has done very well for itself, but I (and one or two friends from Dublin) fell like the place is selling out and losing its sole, simply because the 'average' Irish person cant afford to live there anymore.

Same old story the world over.

The political thread is getting very interesting. Id be very interested to know how old some of you are that are supporting Brash. I remember when I thought things would change if voted for the right person and then student loans came in.

As soon as the money arrived National couldnt get over themselves. Labour then came in saying they would abolish them but as soon as they were in power they realised just how much money there was to be made and decided against abolishment.

I have a 21 year old nephew and although I would love for him to go to university, there is no way he can afford to and no way he wants to come out with a 50k loan at the end of it. i cant recommend it to anyone in NZ at the moment.

Politicians will say whatever it takes to get them elected. Once there they can do whatever they like as they know they have a very small window of opportunity.

Ive been away 6 years and I really cant get over, just how NZ has turned into a complete user pays state. This country needs some 'stable' leadership, perhaps something in the middle to what we have to choose from now. But thats the problem, there is no choice, its left or right.

Ill admit that I like what Helen Clarke has done for NZ, but at times Labour has gone too far. I have personal experience of Brash and I can honestly say I dont like him. I agree with some of his thoughts, but not to the extent that he does.

NZ has to start looking after number one, and spending some of the 8 billion dollar surplus from last year on schools, hospitals, firefighters and nurses etc should be the starting point.

I could talk about this all day :wacko:

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yeah west.... spend the money where it's needed, You can't have health/education systems that are too good,

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