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Self Pwning

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I got self pwned big time in the weekend, and while I (and others) think it is bloody funny, lets hear your stories too (this will make me feel like less of a muppet if I hear that I am not the only idiot here).

Mine is.... I was descending a flight of stairs quickly to catch up with Brook when I thought i'd just jump down the last few stairs. What I did was leap at full pace, and catch my forehead of the bottom of the flight of stairs above which not only knocked me out straight away, but sent my feet still going forward while my head stayed stationary.

This meant that I landed back first on the stairs.

Not only did I get a decent concussion (that I am going to see the doctor about this afternoon) I have also got a very sore back/side and can't place any pressure on my lower rhs (suspected injured ribs).

Being the hard man that I am, I gathered myself up and then continued on to dinner (that I have very little memory of). I actually thought that I got straight up after my fall, but Brook assured me that I was out to it for a while and took a little while to get my wits about me and get to my feet.

The plus side is that I have taken for the last two days some pretty good pain killers, and have been floating around for that time in a haze.

I actually hobbled to work this morning, but didn't last long and was sent home.

The sad part of this all is that I was 90% sober when this happened. I had had 3 beers prior to this over a 3 hour period, so can't even blame the beer.


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I was playing cricket at the beach house. We had about 15 guys playing. My batting style is hit the ball as hard as f#$k...

I took a big swing, smashed the ball away and dropped to the ground in agony...

My mates thought I'd hit my leg with the bat so they were telling me to walk it off, I crawled home 50m (yes I actually crawled) and started popping Panadols and had ice on my knee.

My parents were pissed and couldn't take me to the doctor so I had to wait until the morning to endure an hour drive to the Thames hospital (next time I'd rather take the 2hour drive back to Auckland).

Turns out that when I hit the ball I pivoted on my back foot, managed to dislocate (and relocate) my knee rupturing the anterior cruciate ligament in the back of my knee.

When it happened I held me knee in a bent style - my knee was fused in this state for 4 months until the physio could get it straight and I could finally have my operaion.

It was the shittiest summer ever as I spent 6 weeks on crutches at the beach house - much like that ACC add with the guy and the goldfish.

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Guest Spargo


Nice work old man, just stick to the little buggy that helps you up and down them from now on.

Pretty funny till the actual damage toll becomes clear, hopefully you haven't done too much damage to your back.

Get well soon.

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Guest Andrew

I gave damian admin access and got pwned by phone calls, pms, txt messages hah :P

Sorry to hear that Grant!

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back from the doctor.

Got a concussion, have to avoid anything where I may hit my head for 3-4 weeks (means squash etc is out). Also have to take a couple of days off work and rest.

Back and ribs are just badly bruised, just a course of anti-inflamatories for that.

I got off pretty lightly really


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better it was just that , im sure it could have been much worse, like if you had some more beers and decided to jump down the whole flight of stairs :P

get better soon grant

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drunken-ness usualy means no injuries, it does for me anyway lol

get well soon... good side i guess is you'll be able to fully pwn GT4 :thumb:

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haha you fool

i laughed when i got your txt

if it makes you feel better ive owned myself repetitively....

as a bike courier, slipped on wet ass concrete and landed on arse...couldnt walk the next monday...ended up splitting a disc in my back..not fun

c.2001....one sunday at wood hill forest mountain biking doing jumps owned myself....got photos of me on ground after

the same week doing more jumps at riverhead crashed once, thought i was sweet and did another..crashed again and concussed myself....andy was in car...i was cracking up at nothing the whole way back

in a bike race, caught the wheel of guy in front, owned myself into a gravel...still got it in my elbow. owned the guy behind me too and told him to stop being such a pussy for crying

hit a tree in my mums old accord......head on....still got a bung eye

numerous other minor and not so minor injuries....its all good!

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Damn Grant, I can relate to that being 6'5, I dont think a day goes by without me having to duck underneath something and Ive done what you did but without the falling on the back thing.

I have a similar story and it was on a first date with a girl many years ago. I took her home (as you do) and escorted her to the door. As I went walking up the driveway I went to leap up the last step not realising that there was the roof to the carport above me and I jumped straight into it.

Let me point out that it was 2am and the carport was painted black <_<

I stumbled into the house with her help and after a couple of mins her mother came out to find out what all the fuss was about. I was obviously concussed and couldnt drive home so I got to spend the night in the spare room ;)

I slept for so long her mum started vacuuming outside the door the next day to try and wake me up. Eventually her Dad came in to see if I was still alive !

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good side i guess is you'll be able to fully pwn GT4  :thumb:

Aaagghhhh I wish, I have no concentration ability, I tried it this arvo, but it involves too much concentration.

But it won't stop me from trying again tomorrow.

And Gus, why did I know that you would have something to contribute to this

thread.... :D

Martyn, I wish I could blame my height...but as I am only 5'7, I can't really blame my height. I put the whole thing down to stupidity.


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Did my post get removed? Reasons mods.. no swearing was put in apart from d__k which could mean anything from dork to dyke...

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another recent self pwning....car related

sealed up bellhousing...filled will oil

clutch started slipping....still not making connection

gbox off n new clutch over easter....new rear main seal

still leaking

didnt put seal on right

gbox off and on again over last weekend

and now finally everything good!

except for stupid asian lady drivers...not cool

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some of my random self pwning, some beer related, some car related

was pretty livered at party and sitting on the fence, sort of fell off backwards. 10 min later i was told i had blood running down my neck. 5 stitches fixed that up.

Some of you might remember i was jacking my car up (to put axle stands under) when shitty E30 jack gave way. My hand ended up bwteen the car and the jack. Extremly painful.

Managed to squirt brake fluid in my mouth once. Quite possibly the worst tasting stuff ever. The taste just doesn't go away.

Tried to jump the avon river... got wet

On my dirtbike, got a run up to get up big hill, didn't check what was on other side, turned out nothing. Went over the handlebars on that one. Also lots of other bike injuries, have fallen off bike just about every possible way.

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My life is one of the self-ownage. I think it would be easier to make a diary of the days I don't f**k something up. My friends joke about insuring themselves against me.

I am a walking disaster. (when I'm not laid back with some injury or other)

I am sure ACC thinks I am trying on a fiddle with the amount of business I send their way, but its all legit.

And somehow I am still alive and look outwardly un injured with all external limbs still intact - I am hurting on the inside though.

Lifes too short to walk around wrapped in cotton wool.

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not really self pwnage but got a real pwning non the less.

Marist versus Papakura

Andy reaches for the ball .... suddenly this huge foot goes bang on my left hand ... I was like 'f*@!k' it hurt so much, then goes in for second try ... BANG ... the bastard did it again, well sif I'd give up... reached for the ball again, stampy stamp stamp again ... at this stage the swearing was getting a little worse, after which I picked up the ball ran 30 metres only to get tackled by the centre and takin out abotu 5 metres from the tryline.

Was gutted, not only gutted, I never knew you could break your thumb in three different places. Overall 5 cracked / broken bones.

Had 8 weeks off writing @ school, was great fun explaining it too the teachers :).

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yea i seem to pwn myself quite a bit....

the worst time was when i had been drinking and was out with some mates and some dude was hassling me and i cant remeber what i said back but it got him mad as and suddenly he was charging at me and all i rember is falling on the road and had headlights comming towards me .... mates said he like tackled me or punched me and i fell onto the road and got hit by a taxi van ... as you do :lol:

Edited by bimmer boy

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oh no wait a minute i hav pwned my self on stairs before.. my brother pushed me down some and broke my collar bone

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Guest Spargo

Most recent: on GT4, i'd thought i'd skip the boring races in the beginner and professional halls, so I could do the enduros and Extreme hall, by b-speccing... Game owned me by not letting me enter the final series in the professional hall, saying i'd not won all the races. I didn't know which ones i'd done and which i'd b-specced, so ended doing every single race again. Finally moved into the extreme hall at 4:30am this morning.

I'm at 47.7% in GT4, btw.

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about 6 years ago, i was on my bike doing my paper run. i managed to ride straight into the back of a Nissian S-cargo. Not many people know the full story thank god but at the moment i have a 7grand upper jaw from ACC.

I spent the next two years with a wearing a plate because i knocked out my front teeth. then another year after that, reciving treatments for prep work on the inplant. i was never very popular with the ladies during that time.

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I'm getting one of those. Should be all finished by August. I lost four top, two bottom - how many you lose? (oh, and my ACC bill is closer to $30k for mine, so I beat you).

Edited by bravomikewhiskey

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