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cops hate me!!!

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Don't get me wrong though, I don't drive like a nanna!!! You just have to pick your moments of exhileration more sensibly :)

You'd also have to admit though that driving in the Auckland region is completely different to anywhere else. In Wellington, for instance, we have alot more access to back roads and the likes where we can be less sensible.

You guys up north get the larger motorways where lane changing is probably more prone to inspection by the local law enforcers. I think here they keep a watchful eye on the rolling stops and sustained loss of traction, aye Mike ;)

Down in Queenstown and the west coast the feds have to pick on the foreigners for anything they can find such as not wearing seatbelts. All the locals know the fuzz there have ridiculously unreachable quotas so the fuzz have to pick on the outsiders. Not hard considering the deserted straight roads down there, entrapment :D

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:banghead: :banghead: :banghead:

After much thought i decided this (banging its head against a wall)icon would best descibe the poor cops in south Auckland that have to deal with the evil Bmw.

One would not have to put much effort into his driving to aviod a ticket for the same offence in the same short while.

But dont let that worry you,, just post a grissle on the Forum and bag cops in general .But whatever you do dont change lanes safely cause that would be learning from your mistakes.

I will make sure next time i am driving my pride and joy Bimmer in Takanini that i look out for evil BMW and pray that my insurance doesn't Right Off my lovely old 5 series, when it gets side swiped by some chap who has still not learned to indicate properly.

As soon as i moved out of Auckland my insurance premiums halfed.

but that would not have anything to do with the number of cars righten off by the likes of evil bmw or the shear volume of vehicle crashes. that would be the Police's fault ,,,right.cause they are too busy focusing on traffic inforcement.


I would post a photo of what happens when some one doesnt indicate and the person that hit them hadnt straped there kid in proper but i dont think evil bmw could handle it.

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but was he really driving terribly or was it that he was being unduely "picked on"?

As an officer, rick, I'm sure the stereotype offends you immensely. That said, I'm sure by the general consensus of this board, it also offends the "general public"..

examples of the stereotype appear daily, my grandfather for example got pulled the other day for runnig through a red arrow - theres no red arrow to run on the particular intersection.......

In my opinion, theres to many robocops out there, I used to get pulled constantly in my toyota, almost got skooled with a baton one night for doin 67 in a 50, when in reality I was doing about 30kph, and the cop just wanted to hassle a carload of "15-24 year old boyracers" - they stereotype me, I dont fit into this stereotype, but too bad.... then again, I can stereotype "the feds"

ever spent 30min pulled over on the side of the road when you're on the way to a calculus exam and end up late, when all you did was drive a lightly modified (fully within the law) "hot hatch" kind of car???

ever had your house broken into and precious family stuff takin, cops knowing who it is and nothing get done about it, yet they cruise the road ytou live on almost 24/7 just pulling up cars???

ever have a motor vehicle get stolen, and cops not pursuing it because "a gang does it all the time, there's nothing we can do"?

ever sit inside your house, waiting for police to arrive, whilst some random guy with a machete is parading around outside, trying to be let in to get away from some guys that are looking for him?

dude, not indicating into a lane on a motorway, although illegal, is not worthy of a fine in my, lets say, nieve civilian opinion... this opinion is shared quite heavily by the general public, had it been a middle aged woman, would she have been ticketed?

I urge you to truthfully say that she would have been treated with the same heavy handedness

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Cam, your not far from the mark infact some what right on it,

but you need to come for a cruise one day and see what i focus on.

I am and will always be a petrol head, but for some reason age has stopped me acculating tickets.

I would be the first to admit that the majority of crashes around town are not young fellas or boy racers.

but the old biddy poping up town for her subscription being the first time she has used her 320i that fortnight, is a lot less likely to get snaped for bad driving than the young fela who drives around all evening and chews through two tanks of gas on a weekend.

the oldy gets her ticket and says nothing to no one, out of embarrasment .

the boy racer gets his ticket and tells the story a hundred times in a more exciting way each time and by the time you hear it he's forgotten to include that the cop let him off the Wof and bald tyre and let him have the 62 km/h fine.

i see the tickets.

the boy racer and the 62 km/h driver is the minority.

these smilies Rock! :mosh:

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but you need to come for a cruise one day and see what i focus on.

word, most definitely keen for that, something I've always wanted to do (used to wanna be a cop B) but yeah, cake found me, i mean, um, i went off it :unsure: )

drop me an email/pm or something, seriously would dig that...

[email protected]


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