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E30 MAP ECU3 Wiring Help.

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Can anyone help with a wiring diagram/pin count/advice ? Electrical side of things is not my strong point.

Basically these are the wires i need to run a MAP system.

12V Power


MAP vacuum line

^^ Thats the easy stuff.

RPM Signal

TPS Sensor

^ What pins are these on the ECU ?

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Tach output from the motronic is pin 9 at c101, black wire. Not sure what wire that is at the motronic but not hard to test between the motronic plug and c101 to see which it is.

M20's use a switch type TPS, which is prob no good for your map ecu. You would want a tps from an m30 or m20 that had the auto trans with sport mode etc, these TPS's had the old switch type and newer variable types in one unit, which will keep the motronic and map ecu happy, they have a circle plug with 6 pins iirc.

could be wrong, but im sure someone will correct me if i am. i think crunchy uses these mapecu's so he is prob the one to ask.

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