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Totally non-bmw

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About an inch diameter - clear, not opaque and hard (not nylex etc).

I want about a metre, maybe 1.5m for an experiment.

Does anyone know where I could get something like this. The closest thing I have seen is the tubes undercar neons come in - a tube like that would probably do the trick.

There must be some way of getting one without buying a neon.

Anyone know or work in that industry?


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try any plastics manufacturer, yellow pages? they'll sort you

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Cheers - will take a look - had never seen it, so thought it musn't be available at regular hardware stores.

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yeah I've got some.. its quite umm... rounded ... and even though flexible it still trys to reform back to its original shape. But yeah Mitre 10 Mega!

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yeah - tht'll prob be nylon of some sort - I need rigid like acryllic, perspex or polyprop etc.

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Thanks Ollie, but somoeone on nzicemag hooked me up el-cheapo. Arrived on this morning's courier. Cheers anyway.

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Arrived on this morning's courier.

So does the Bong work?

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Still at work - will post back tonight after I've tried it.

Edit: Worked a treat - thanks :thumb:

Edited by bravomikewhiskey

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