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becuase lifes to short to be spent trying to figure out what people who type in txt have written :P

Edited by petone

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haha sorry guys I just find this terribly amusing. Can understand both sides but in all honesty I think if you can't read the posts that a couple of people put up then don't read that particular post and continue on with the thread.

Don't mean to start anything with anyone but think it's simple......people will type differently to each other all the time and not really much you can do about it unless you either block their access or the person posting changes the way they type. Like I said not wanting to start anything with anyone :)

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becuase lifes to short to be spent trying to figure out what people who type in txt have written  :P

***life's too short*** Edited by m325i

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Would it kill you guys to use the English language for your posts, instead of txt language?



Quoted for prosperity(sp)


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Hey m8 iv been lookin into an engine conversion 4 a while and wonderd what u did about da brake booster as its on da turb side and everywhere iv been dosent want to mess with it get back to me asap chher

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Welcome to the site

2 possible options are to get a brake booster from an E21 as they are a bit smaller, or you could get a custom manifold made. I'm sure there are more options but those are the ones I know of.

Word of advice, you'll get more help from people if you dont type in txt, just makes your posts so much easier to read.


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Hey m8 iv been lookin into an engine conversion 4 a while and wonderd what u did about da brake booster as its on da turb side and everywhere iv been dosent want to mess with it get back to me asap chher

Hey dude. Yeah a lot of people feel a little uneasy about touching the brake boosters in the beemas with the conversions. Best example with brakes I've seen so far is Darren (SRBMW) as he has had them all changed. I'm still a little apprehensive at the moment about the heat generated on the booster side. I've got a LOT of heatwrap and stainless heat shields on that side but this is only temporary until I get the 5 stud conversion and GTS-t brakes on there.

My advice is to go to a person who deals mainly with brakes and upgrades and get them to work with the people doing the conversion. You don't even have to use a beema booster but they will have the best ideas and a price for the parts that will best work with the setup you intend to run.

Good luck for it though bro :) and thanks for the comments guys..........good or bad it's still feedback I can work from

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