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E38 750il

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Hi guys,

I've been offered this low ks 750il as a trade in,


It's not what I'm after so I'll be looking to on sell it Immediately.

Ignore the price on that auction, he's dreaming. But, Given its low ks, What would people realistically pay for it for a quick sale? Is anyone here interested?

Any help would be appreciated.


Edited by Driftracewake

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Were it on M-Pars instead of (possibly) M6 copies I'd say 8k-ish given current pricing on other cars. Mileage is rather low which could command a premium IF the right buyer were to appear.

Tough one to work out!

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Poo brown and the rims would put me off that one but 7-7.5k if i wanted one and it checked out.

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If kms and wheels are both genuine I think $8-9 would be more than fair. Sell/swap the wheels for something that suits it and you've got a low kms luxury boat that will only need two private oil fields to run.

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