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Recommended diffs please?

'box is the "little" getgrag 240 that come out on most 320's (according to the online etk). Not sure if "sport" or "overdrive" version, but think sport. Forgot to write down number and since it is written inside the bellhousing and not on the case I guess I won't be finding out very soon unless I trash the thing.

It's mated to my old auto diff.

Problem: gearing is too low - hit the rev limiter in 1st twice already making hasty departures (no wheel spin, but quick), 2nd just too high to regular use instead of 1st, third tops out redline around the 120-125 mark and at around 4000 at 80 I think from memory, and so I swapping 3rd for 4th a little over the ton and 4th is way to high to pull very hard from there (well as hard as I'd like it to anyway). I can quite happily drive around town at 50km in 5th at a bit under 2k rpm and pulling fine. Comparing with my Dad's 323 that can pull 130-140 in 3rd (from memory - going to take it for a spin over the weekend to do more precise comparison). That would be much better.

So basically want to have them all slightly higher hence the decision to look at an alternate diff. No numbers anywhere I can see on the current one, but if I were to pick one up, what ratio would I be looking for? 3000-3500rpm in third at 80 would be good.

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3.91 for a 320. the 325's have 3.64 and thats fine, so you would want a little lower

you prob have a 4.45???? one in there now....a 4.1 might be ok, or anything around the mids 3's. although it sounds kinda badass to me at the moment

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Yeah anything non-auto is badass at the moment for me. I was also thinking it may have been a 4.44 or 4.45. Would like to try a few 4.10 3.91 3.64 to get an idea - unfortunately diffs and money are not raining from the trees at the moment.

Gavin from Euro Italian thought I might like to try a 3.64, so did Ray Read (Orewa).

I might give Ernst at Bav a call as he seems to be relatively clued up. Will be a couple of months before I do a swap anyway - might make it a project for after xmas.

Gus - I'll give you a drive at the sth aux meet if you go so you can see what I mean and decide if it is as badass as you reckon.

Maybe I'm just too used to the auto - move away from intersection and floor it - hey whats that noise?? Oh rev limiter kicking in - damn, better change gear.

Edited by bravomikewhiskey

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Ask me about diff ratios as i've had a few, 4.45, 3.24, 3.45, and 3.64

For a daily driver the 3.91 will still be way too high, even for a 320.

I'm using the 3.64 now and it's a good balance between economy and acceleration. The 3.45 is good for eceonomy with the 3.25 being a little too economical but useable nonetheless.

I wouldn't go any higher than the 3.73

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