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Seen it on discovery ...... channel?

*If you shoot a car in the gas tank, it doesnt blow up

*hiding behind the door in a cop show style shoot out wont save you

*Sugar in the gas tank doesnt do sht

*Crack an egg in the radiator to fix leaks, it works

*mothballs in the gas increase octane and engine sounds way sweeter (not from the sugar)

*bleach in the gas tank does nothing, but in the oil kills the motor

*potato in the exhaust just fires out.

I need MySKy so bad, December 5

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Saw that episode last week. Quite enjoyed the trauma they infilcted onto that olds mobile. And the V8 sounded so much better with the moth balls in the fuel.

Almost like it was on av gas.

These guys do the funniest and crasiest stuff - it's a good watch allright.

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Seen it on discovery ...... channel?

*If you shoot a car in the gas tank, it doesnt blow up

*hiding behind the door in a cop show style shoot out wont save you

SAS: Are You Tough Enough a few months ago showed you want a bullet actually does.

They stuck a landrover 50 yards away and hung water melons inside as the melon has the same water content as a human head.

They had a couple of SAS dudes fire into the landrover and each melon was blown to pieces in a single hit. The landrover ended up like a seive.

They then shot into a dead pig to show what damage is done internally to a body and it was gut wrenching. The entry wound is only 5% of the damage when a bullet enters the body.

oh and the SAS would waste any ninja's in town :ph34r:

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Wasn't it a Caddy?

I really enjoy the show too.

They really show how much bulsshit we're all led to believe, mainly courtesy Hollywood...

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Seen it on discovery ...... channel?

*If you shoot a car in the gas tank, it doesnt blow up

*hiding behind the door in a cop show style shoot out wont save you

*Sugar in the gas tank doesnt do sht

*Crack an egg in the radiator to fix leaks, it works

*mothballs in the gas increase octane and engine sounds way sweeter (not from the sugar)

*bleach in the gas tank does nothing, but in the oil kills the motor

*potato in the exhaust just fires out.

I need MySKy so bad, December 5

:confused: hmmmmmmm i dont know wat to belive.... i guess they done it infront ov us so yea must be true... not lyke id du any ov tht tho i wouldnt be tht keen


Hmmm...I don't know what to believe...I guess they did it in front of us, so yeah, it must be true. Not like i'd do any of that though, I wouldn't be that keen


Edited by ///Carl

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Done, please see above for English version :lol:

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SAS vs ninja... hmm

SAS have guns, ninja have steath and cool black suits with more manly types of weapons for a more personal touch, swords, ninja stars, daggers, and poison darts. + other blunt beating objects.

SAS have close quarter skills, ninjas will pwn all in close quarters.

SAS vs ninja... i dunno. if a ninja was the real deal i would back him.

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I just fail to understand why you change one letter in a word when all you accomplish is making it more diffiuclt for us mere mortals to read. Ie lyke/like, du/do, ov/of :blink:

Oh yeah, SAS > ninja

SAS have way more cool toys than guns, they got heaps of different grenades, heaps of cool techno gadgets and they work real well in a team so even if a ninja got one (extremely unlikely event) the rest of them would demolish the ninja.

Edited by petone

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Is it true that by pressing [Ctrl] and [W] at the same time it makes the size of your e-penis multiply in meters/sec.

Edited by E30stz

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Is it true that by pressing [Ctrl]and [W] at the same time it makes the size of your e-penis multiply in meters/sec.

why you askin? it shouldnt matter for you, you dont have one

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Is it true that by pressing [Ctrl] and [W] at the same time it makes the size of your e-penis multiply in meters/sec.

i thought it was shift and W repeatedly

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