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There are many possible opinions on this - a bit like asking what oil to use. People will ask you how much you value your head and whats inside it, even though this is not really instructive. Some will mock you for cheaping out if you spend less than $1000. Others will tell you where to get a helmet for $150 that meets the rules and consider it unnecessary to spend more. Make sure you know the rules for whatever you want to compete in.

The most important thing is to find a helmet that fits. Try on quite a few as you may find that some brands do not actually work for you no matter what size you select. You might just have to find a different brand to get one that works and this applies to high end helmets as well as cheap ones.

Apart from fit, you can get more if you pay more. For example, light weight laminate helmets are expensive but they are much nicer to wear as they don't pull on your neck with g forces and the same would apply if you crash. The more expensive helmets will most likely have SAH rating so they can be easily used with HANS.

Consider getting a balaclava too, even if just to keep your helmet much cleaner and nicer. Cars can be hot.

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I got my Arai GP6 of ebay direct from Japan for a good price.

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It's not something to skimp out on, even in a car with a full cage.

As a biker - Helmets definitely do save lives. I wouldn't recommend it be something that you cheap out on, but it isn't necessary to spend thousands.
$600ish can generally get you a nice Arai, Shoei or Shark helmet with nice airflow, lightweight and very protective.

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Can vouch for shark. Have fist hand experience in being a crash test dummy.

Shark and head held up well with a head first low side on a street circuit. Visor system also stayed intact despite gravel rash.

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