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To seal or not to seal - Intake manifold gaskets

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Quick query - Tomorrow I start rebuilding the intake/fuel preparation system on my M30 and I was wondering what people advised as far as using (or not using) a gasket sealant alongside the gasket material.

My understanding of sealants is they lend no real hand to the sealing process, they just help hold the gasket in place whilst you stick it on, In which case just a smear of red permatex RTV should be fine on the manifold side? Not sure if I'll even need sealant as I should be able to just sit the gaskets on the manifold studs and bolt it back on.

If I am wrong about sealants, and they are kinda important - what would you recommend for the intake?

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If you have studs and can 'hang' the gasket, don't use a sealant. I don't know the technical reasons, but I've found that using a sealant in situations like that can actually be counter-productive. Carb to manifold, fitting a water pump (and similar) I'd use a sealant (normally Hylomar - if it's good enough for Rolls Royce turbines it's good enough for me) but not on a manifold to head joint.

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The M30 has studs so no need for any sealant. I only use it in places that would normally have a thin paper gasket like waterpump, timing covers etc.

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