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Ford GT- OUCH!

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This morning there were two Ford GT's in NZ, one black, one white. Midday there was only the white one left, at $475K this is right up there with the Lambo in Parnell incident. This happened in Redoubt Road, Manukau. Lucily it was still LHD!.....


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Guest Andrew



how on earth did he go off there? that looks like it was moving seriously fast.

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playing slalom with rubbish bags???WTF is all the S*&T around the place

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That sucks, what a waste.

I hope the owner was insured, and I'm glad they lived to tell the tale.



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What a TOOL!

OK, if you do it in the Targa, but bloody lame in a 50kph area.

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by the looks of the rhs just in front of the door that lampost (or something equally as solid)was involved

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was trying to avoid a motorist pulling out and didnt realise the sheer power of the car he was in.

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was trying to avoid a motorist pulling out and didnt realise the sheer power of the car he was in.

As Tui says. "Yeah Right!"

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Ah guttering, wasn't it just a Lambo a while ago?

Whats wrong with you Aucklanders :P

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Ah guttering, wasn't it just a Lambo a while ago?

Whats wrong with you Aucklanders :P

Hence "Lambo v.2"!! A case of bank balance exceeding driving talent!..........

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Ah guttering, wasn't it just a Lambo a while ago?

Whats wrong with you Aucklanders :P

I love the out of Aucklanders' stereo type of Aucklanders.

I love this. Dudes who can't handle their sh*t. :mellow:

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Ah guttering, wasn't it just a Lambo a while ago?

Whats wrong with you Aucklanders  :P

I love the out of Aucklanders' stereo type of Aucklanders.

I love this. Dudes who can't handle their sh*t. :mellow:

I was thinking the same thing. People crash cars - it's a fact of life, all sorts of powered cars are crashed due to stupid mistakes. My one was no different and thank for it was only a guard I had to replace...

I have heard this car, then seen it... It's is/was beautiful.

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Ah guttering, wasn't it just a Lambo a while ago?

Whats wrong with you Aucklanders  :P

Hence "Lambo v.2"!! A case of bank balance exceeding driving talent!..........
Yeah I didn't see that part until after.

I was only kidding about the Auckland driving thing.

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Ah guttering, wasn't it just a Lambo a while ago?

Whats wrong with you Aucklanders  :P

Hence "Lambo v.2"!! A case of bank balance exceeding driving talent!..........
Yeah I didn't see that part until after.

I was only kidding about the Auckland driving thing.

As an Aucklander, I certainly take no offence to any of this, it is all just a bit of fun. As a side note, when you have 1/3 of the countries population living in Auckland, then it stands to reason that there is a much greater chance of this sort of thing happening here, than anywhere else! Never a dull moment in Auckland! :thumb: Edited by conrod

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