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Road Rage Survey

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Very interesting, worth looking at to see how you rate against the national average. :rolleyes:

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What a load of crap - I answered every question regarding police presence as not making me angry at all and I still scored higher than the national average on that one!

Same regarding physical agression - answered all of those questions as NEVER and still managed a score higher than the national average.

Load of bollocks - sorry.

Edited by bravomikewhiskey

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thats just made me SOO angry!!!

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Much repetition of similar questions in places.

They ask the same basic question several times to try and get some consistency in your answers. If you answer the same way to each then you are usually telling the truth, different answers show you may not be !

I ended up pretty much on average. Was slightly above for illegal driving but .5 point below for everything else.

Interesting that the overall average has me at 0.2 compared to 2.9 average. Dont see why its so different when everything else is so close.

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I was surprised to see myself come in way under aswell Martyn, 0.4 overall average.

Strangest thing, the only thing that I was over the national average on was the Physical Anger...odd because the only things I do are glare and give dirty looks to bad drivers, not to mention trying to prevent them from doing what they're doing...is that bad?

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Overall National average for driving anger is 2.9, i'm 0.1.

Overall National averae for type of expression is 18, I'm 1.6

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I got 0.2 for the anger but was slightly above average for the expression.I sometimes mutter a bit and if its really bad i might look at (ussually him) and shake my head .Ussually tho I dont react at all,I figure what the hey its only a car length

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