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just wanted to do a bit a market research...plunger coffee.

Plunger or Instant?

Who buys coffee in beans, or grinded?

And in beans or grinded would flavours apeal? Such as Mocha, Vanilla, Choc.

And when buying what people always buy the same product/brand or would a new product with a more modern look be apealing..?

Atually how do i get this into a poll form would be heaps easier to look at!!!

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Umm yeah a bit off topic for bimmersport. Thinking of starting up a coffee company?

I buy coffee beans (unground) typically the darker blends & the medium blends. Grind the beans just before the brew. Usually just get L'Affare or Screaming Turtle, but not tied to any particular brand.

I heard that Instant "Coffee" isn't even really coffee at all... mostly barley & grains with coffee flavouring, even the caffeine is artificially added. Is that true?

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yeah very off topic, and yes would like to start getting into the coffee business, i just want to know who buys what really..

Edited by nz320i

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Normally, I'll go to a cafe rather than making a cup myself.

But I normally import ground coffee to have at home for when visitors come.

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Usually buy Altura coffee beans, they roast their own on site in their shop/retaurant in Albany, and they are quite good. I have a Saeco full automatic machine which does the grinding/tamping/ pouring in one push of the button.And I always buy the darkest fuller flavoured blends- might as well get the maximum kick out your cup!

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Flat-white from my Lebanese lover every morning before work, usually along with a bacon+egg+cheese bagel.

Have a grinder and plunger at home, threw out the espresso machine as the plunger is just so much less hassle, buy beans as I don't go through that much coffee at home so it's an issue of freshness - prefer freshly grinded.

Edited by Carl

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Atomic Coffee rocks, best stuff ive had in a while, ground is best but if your in a hurry id go for the instant, the flavour is never as good as freshly ground but hey its only coffee :wub:

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its funny how coffee branding plays such a huge part of its success....its otherwise relatively hard to differentiate the product.

Personal fav brand Jungle coffee (obvious reasons) but theres heaps, illys, karajoz, roasted addiqtion (used to deliver bags of beans down into town).

what you thinking of doing? its a pretty full market, would have to do something different.

i buy coffee out, far too young to own the means to make a decent one at home

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its funny how coffee branding plays such a huge part of its success....its otherwise relatively hard to differentiate the product.

Personal fav brand Jungle coffee (obvious reasons) but theres heaps, illys, karajoz, roasted addiqtion (used to deliver bags of beans down into town).

what you thinking of doing? its a pretty full market, would have to do something different.

i buy coffee out, far too young to own the means to make a decent one at home

Gus is bang on the button.

Any of the reasonable freshly roasted brands are good. Atomic, Jungle, Addiqtion, Cafe Lafarre, Max, Grants (not me...the brand), Sierra, Altezano etc, they are hard to differentiate. What really matters is the freshness of the bean (whole roasted beans are good for 2 weeks max before they are crap, ground beans are good for less than one week), and the barista.

Ones that are rubbish are the mass produced beans such at Robert Harris, Starbucks etc. By the time these hit the shelves they are well past their best.

If you are looking to get into the market, watch out, you are getting into a market that must be close to fully saturated. In my local supermarket, there are close to 10 - 15 brands of different whole fresh roasted beans available (as well as their ground variants for different brewing methods).

I have my own roasting machine (but to be honest am too lazy to use it very often...also it makes the house smell like burnt toast), so I normally buy small quanities of freshly roasted beans now (but then again, my grinder's blades are worn and need sharpening, so I have resorted to buying freshly roasted groundbeans for the last 2 months).

My personal favourite is Atomic's Veloce blend. I also have a Saeco fully manual espresso machine (like cars, manual espresso machines are much better than automatic ones). It gets used every single day. It is built like a tank and is bulletproof, it delivers good coffee.

I will not drink plunger at all. Neither will I drink instant. It has to be espresso or nothing.

Flavoured coffees are interesting. While I am not a fan of them, it seems to be a growing market (thanks to Starbucks, and their various imitators). In the U.S, it is hard to get a decent espresso, but easy to get all sorts of flavoured creations. The only decent espresso's I can seem to get in the U.S are from small street barista's.

Good luck, if you decide to pursue it. Let us know your plans, and how they pan out.



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im going to go ahead and try sell to small shops delis etc instead of supermarkets i think but well see ive still got loads to do!

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Well, have a look at these guys.


This is where I get all my coffees near work. They also take orders over the internet and ship to retail and private customers.

Customer service is what it's all about. The product is fairly irrelevant.

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Ones that are rubbish are the mass produced beans such at Robert Harris, Starbucks etc. By the time these hit the shelves they are well past their best.

Yet they sell well and appeal to a wide audience.

If I was going into business in the coffee market, I'd be targetting the widest possible client base demographics, after all, I'd be wanting to make money, not satisfy the low percentage of 'real' coffee afficianados.

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go to nzicemag.co.nz forums. PM a guy called 'cheese'

He sells/leases coffee machines to offices etc. He'd be able to help you with your research and is in the right industry. Get some sort of partnership going even???

I don't know him personally, but seems like a friendly chap.

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Sounds like BMW drivers and coffee go hand in hand!! Maybe start up a bmw owners coffee shop, you'd rake it in.... or not :huh:

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