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Steering Wheel Refurb

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I thought I'd do a quick shout out - backstory is I wanted shift paddles for the E61 and I managed to get my hands on a M-Sport steering wheel from an E60 but it was in rough shape.  Before I spent any money on repairing the wheel I got the shift paddles working which was easier said than done (the factory wiring diagrams were wrong and I had to spend a fair bit of time reading up on the right way to go about it.)  I'm a massive fan of the shift paddles and I'm really happy with them now they work!  I don't drive the car in manual mode but I do like to shift gears now and then - e.g. going up or down a hill the transmission doesn't always drive the car the way I want it to.

Anyway I struggled to find someone in the Wellington region that could do a steering wheel.  I was initially looking for someone to re cover it as I thought it was too far gone, but I ended up reaching out to Erika @ The Leather Doctor https://www.myleatherdoctor.co.nz  who said she could fix it up without re covering.  I offered to remove the wheel from the car which made the job a lot easier for her.  The Leather Doctor is a mobile service so they came to my house meaning I didn't have to faff around dropping the car off somewhere for the day etc.   I'm really happy with the result, it looks a million times better now!  

Here's a before and after photo.  Apologies in advance for the background, I took the photo on the front steps and in hindsight that wasn't a good spot, but you can still see the difference , it's night and day.







Edited by Spinner99
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Looks fantastic!  interested to see how it wears in a few months?

I did my Mtech2 wheel myself (leather dye then a matte clear) and it looked spectacular ofr a while, but gets shiny again quite quickly.

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