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E61 light checks coding Help!

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So, my trailer failed its WOF today because the LED lights are flickering when the wagon does its light checks, it has been the same for 10 years but today the VTNZ guy actually checked it with his eyes open and decided its a fail! After i told him what it was he suggested bringing the trailer back with a different car....🙄

After looking at a few aftermarket "work around" solutions i think the best option is to just turn off the trailer light checks in the coding, but i don't have the technology, so looking for someone who can do it for me?

Happy to throw some cash someones way if they can sort this for me.

Based on the shore but have some gas in the tank so can travel...

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Sorted, big thanks to the guys at Hellbm, trailer has a shiny new WOF now!

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Was the solution coding that check out or something else? 

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Yes, deactivated the cold checks in the trailer module.

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