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Unable to figure out BMW Canterbury Club joining requirements

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Hello fellow BMW enthusiasts


Is anyone able to shed light on what it takes to join the BMW Canterbury Club Facebook group?

I have been a lifelong BMW fan, have owned a couple (and still do) and live in Christchurch. Yet I am having difficulty with joining the FB group despite a few requests.


Is my BMW not the right type (a modern, well-looked after 6cyl M-lite), or do I need to know someone in the club to join? These are the only barriers I can think of.

The only other question the application form asks is if I have been to a club meeting. Not sure how I am supposed to join a club meeting if I am not part of the club?

Anyway, if the club is closed, then that is fine. I know that I am not simply entitled to membership. It is odd because I could not find anything information that seems to indicate that membership is limited.


Thanks in advance. 

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Didn't think there were any real stringent requirements. There's all sorts amongst the group - folk with project cars, newer models, classics, M-cars etc. Wouldn't think there'd be any prejudice against you either unless you did anything to explicitly piss someone off, which I can't imagine how you would have.

The fella currently running it has been away in Aussie for the past few months so probably just not been keeping tabs on things as actively. He's a bit oldschool and prefers to do things over email instead of FB in general. There's typically a lull over the winter months anyway so not much has been going on of late apart from the monthly meets. I'm sure you'll get approved eventually. In the meantime just rock up to the next meet, no one's checking memberships at the door... 

It's every first Tuesday of each month, 6pm at the Richmond Club. Usually parked along the back fence, just see where there's a bunch of BMWs parked up and follow suit. I've only just started going again after my car being out of action for close to half a year. There were only a handful of cars and ~12 people at the last one but turnout should start picking up into the warmer months. I'll probably be there at the next one too, just seek me out or send me a message closer to the time, I'll make sure to come and say hi. I'm sure you'll fit right in, it's a nice friendly bunch. 

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Complete form, pay membership fee, get invited to join their Facbook page/group, attend organised events, network with other members (virtually/in person) - easy! 🤣

Edited by treone

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14 minutes ago, treone said:

Complete form, pay membership fee, get invited to join their Facbook page/group, attend organised events, network with other members (virtually/in person) - easy! 🤣

Nah there's no membership fee, it's just a small local group, not affiliated with BMW Car Club NZ, although some people are members of both.

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Ahh gotcha - thought OP was referring to the official BMW NZ Club 😎

Edited by treone

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13 hours ago, Vass said:

Didn't think there were any real stringent requirements. There's all sorts amongst the group - folk with project cars, newer models, classics, M-cars etc. Wouldn't think there'd be any prejudice against you either unless you did anything to explicitly piss someone off, which I can't imagine how you would have.

The fella currently running it has been away in Aussie for the past few months so probably just not been keeping tabs on things as actively. He's a bit oldschool and prefers to do things over email instead of FB in general. There's typically a lull over the winter months anyway so not much has been going on of late apart from the monthly meets. I'm sure you'll get approved eventually. In the meantime just rock up to the next meet, no one's checking memberships at the door... 

It's every first Tuesday of each month, 6pm at the Richmond Club. Usually parked along the back fence, just see where there's a bunch of BMWs parked up and follow suit. I've only just started going again after my car being out of action for close to half a year. There were only a handful of cars and ~12 people at the last one but turnout should start picking up into the warmer months. I'll probably be there at the next one too, just seek me out or send me a message closer to the time, I'll make sure to come and say hi. I'm sure you'll fit right in, it's a nice friendly bunch. 

Thanks, Vass. This is very useful info. I was mainly trying to find out if the club was still active and meeting details, as it is difficult to glean without access to the FB group and I could not find any recent posts about it on this forum.

Much appreciated. 

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