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F31 iDrive Black Screen

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I'm after some advice on where to next with an iDrive issue I have.


My iDrive in my F31 320d is now completely dead. The screen is blank, I get no audio from the radio as well as no audible beeps or dings for seat belts, warning systems or the likes.

Before it went completely dead it would sometimes come up with a no signal fault, which now doesn't come up at all.

I have checked the fuses that are associated with the system and they all appear to be fine.

What is next that I can trouble shoot to narrow down the issue?



Edited by Camu

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You'd be best getting the car scanned with a scanner that can properly interface with the car's electronics (not a generic OBD2 scanner) and go from there - see if the head unit is responding to diagnostics.

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