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So the most bizarre thing just happened right outside my office on the motorway.

From what we gathered watching the thing unfold was that someone riding in the back of a glass truck (smith and smith type) has fallen out through the back onto the motorway and was then promptly run over by a taxi following closely behind the truck (2 second rule obviously doesn't apply to indian taxi drivers).

Strangely though the now unconscious victim was left perilously close to the edge of the elevated motorway on the wrong side of the armco near dangling off the side of it. It's a good 40m drop from where he was so if he'd gone over he was f**ked.

The fuzz were baffled, was a good dozen boys in blue studying everything from every angle, along with fire dept boys and paramedics. Sure beats staring at a bs screen all day.

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He dead?

Don't think so. Paramedics took a good quarter hour getting a stretcher and neck brace on the guy, given he was in the most unusual of places, before shifting him into the ambulance. Wouldn't have done that if he was flatlining.

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he will claim ACC, and i will look after him.

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Ill share the load.

Strange sounding incident though.

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he will claim ACC, and i will look after him.

I didn't know you cared! :D

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I have been run over by a taxi once, just get up and brush that sh*t off and enjoy the rest of your night

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*sic, my Mum can beat up your Dad!


Edited by cainchapman

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*sic, my Mum can beat up your Dad!

my penis can beat up your mum, it just doesnt like women who look like men...

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I didn't know you cared! :D

i dont thats why im so good.

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