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Hyper Performace

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This would be my third time there to sort out the issues that i've had with them.

Went there to get my tints, a new head unit and also get them to install my splits.

all done..

found out that they didn't wire up my splits to my amp!! like who the fck wires it straight to the head unit went its rated at 70rms?!!! i was like are u guys alirght?

radio reception wasnt working very well either..

2nd time went back there to get it sorted out.

splits wired up to the amp.

while reversing my car out, they forgot to put my box of wires (audio bits) that i provided then with back into the trunk and got stuck under my car (low enough) hence destroying the box and crumpling the original speakers..thus fair go putting them back in when i do want to sell the car in the future.

didn't bother telling me about it either...i was watching them through the window.

all they did was just charge me for the wiring..thought fair enough..

while driving home, i heard this whinning, jet sound comming out of my speakers..the more i step on the acceleratior, the louder it got...by that time my bloood was boiling!!

got home and thought id tune it up...but guess what..they wired my left speaker to the right side and my right to the left! real retards or what??

so i'll be there tomorrow morning once again to grill them..i'll never ever recommend anybody there nor would i give them more business in the future..

its just plain ridiculous!!!

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write down anything what is wrong with your car since hypers played with it.....

book a appointment with hypers manger (not the floor manger)....

and see if you guys can sort it out.....

ready it sounds like that the monkeys at hyper performance got there the job based on who they know,than what they know.....

it mite of been ezyer if you installed your sounds yourself......

if you dont have any luck with mangers at hyper you can used small clams court for about $30...

if you dont win, at least you would of rubbed hypers good name through the courts.....

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I think you will find this common practice at mag shops such as this. Me and mates have had constant trouble with mag warehouse Manakau, and also at Hyper, crap customer service and all....

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After all the promo they get on tv. I figured out that they were chumps.

Everytime they say hyper, i think 'oh no' poor bastard.

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All those c*#ts there are smacked up on P. Trust me, they probably havent slept in weeks.

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It seems to be a common problem with these 'one stop' performance shops. They don't seem to do that little extra for their customers as opposed to the specialist shops.

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went back there on sun (another sun) spent there to get it sorted.

rocked up to the counter to say that im here, please get it sorted out and guess what, i aint on the list?! wtf?

i was like are you f-king kidding me? i spoke to one of the guys the day before and he told me to come in at 12:30.

he was like errrhhh let me check..

comes back..oh yeah someone knows about it...but get this, the installer is gone for lunch?!

i was like why the f-ck did u ask me to come at 12:30 then?

serious morons..this time i was really spewing...

so i decided to go sit on their couches and hold be hold the installers comes back.

sorted it in 5mins?

i was like wtf? he wass like urgh its all done.what was wrong i asked? its beemers and the engine is connected to the speakers? im like.okie ure a serious moron, i had enough of this joint and went on my way..

the sound is sitll there, they probably just tuned the frequency down if you ask me...

so know some good people to sort it, let me know..

why i didn't do it myself?

i couldn't be arsed spending my whole weekend doing it when i can pay somone to do it in a few hours..

this what happens..lesson learned...:(

so if you guys want to screw your sounds...you know where to go..i'll be sure to keep tune to performance car tv to watch these monkeys operate! :o

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Thats rat sh*t dude. Thanks for sharing your story so we know to avoid them

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