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earon last won the day on January 11 2015

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32 Excellent


About earon

  • Rank
    1st Gear

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  • Car 2
    BMW M3 CS - sold
  • Car 3
    09 DCT 335i (N54)

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  1. Great work Justin! impressive
  2. Awesome position you're in dude! Good luck with the decision. I've lived with both cars since their various stages of introduction and bought a M3 CS 2 and a bit years ago. If you've got space as a concern and want a refined, fast, slightly reasonable economy wise car, I'd say a LCI E91 335i, highly optioned possibly a panoramic roof optioned one. Massively tune-able, tons of torque, hp and daily appeal while also being track capable. Also bits are cheaper than M cars and arguably if money is spent correctly outshines both M3's. or if you're really keen, a neat diesel E90 (15-20k) for a daily which will give you amazing fuel economy and an earlier 01-02 E46 M3 (being quite cheap market wise 20-25k) for track duties! However if you really really want a E9x M3, could I please implore you to test drive a 2010 IS-F and C63 AMG Performance Pack Plus version. I've spent extensive time in all these cars, all are neat, hence my non-biased opinion. Goodluck you're a winner any way dude!
  3. earon

    Quick Questions

    Hi guys would anyone be able to recommend a good automotive electrical guy? Just need a few wiring bits for components tested and maybe cut with the spare part and soldered up. Thanks in advance
  4. earon


    Genuine m3 wheels?
  5. Headlights cleaned up and brand spanking new lenses (Now to await that first stone chip )
  6. Got back to the project today, work and a insatiable need for vacation time has slowed down progress a fair bit unfortunately. All plugs wrapped in clear bags and sprayed with contact cleaner prior, alternator and ac compressor covered and wrapped in clear plastic to ward off imminent coolant spills. - oil cooler set aside with blocks of wood taking weight so no stress on the lines -Fan clutch and shroud removed - coolant hoses removed - radiator removed - ac condenser removed - heater valve removed and replaced - headlight xenon lens replacement and clean up Guys any opinions on what I should do with oil cooler?? Should I drain oil system, remove oil cooler and clean up oil cooler debris (yes the slightest debris are bothering me haha) ??
  7. O expansion valve..how I despise you Aircraft aren't as complicated as you
  8. Thanks Nick. I'll definitely do my best hopefully everything comes along great.Yup looked at the rogue engineering and AA 'power pulley' sets and reviews on USA forums, for 5-10hp I'd rather not stray from stock really. It's all M3 CS stock besides certain extra CSL bits last owner threw in from when he had it from factory so I'll continue on that rhythm (bit boring! I know right haha). Mods..there's so many options but again with na cars it's relatively costly for a mere 50hp at times but these cars are well balanced from stock not had the itch to fiddle ...yet Have you done many mods? An F10 M5 also awaits in 2016 so not looking too intensively into mods as well. Probably parting ways in late 2015 :wacko:
  9. Ahaha! Just bad luck mate.. no I couldn't bring myself to swing that hammer! Haha I'll have one in 3 days time, been busy all week caving so didn't get around to it..have a few other things I can do on the car without having to pull the fan out so will continue on that till holding tool arrives. I could pass it onto you when I'm done?if that'll help you out?
  10. Hey guys, Where do you generally source your Bmw coolant from? Any specific place one of you gentlemen would like to advise to purchase from? Looking for a gallon essentially and will mix with distilled water as per specified ratios. Thanks in advance
  11. I think you're right on the money with that jules..I've always envied those mint e39 m5s that show up at the meets, such nice cars!There was a reason the two previous m5s didn't stay in the family long (but again that was back in 2006..2007).
  12. 535d...massive drool.. haha, they've got some insane tuning kits too. 1100kms! :o ..I need something stronger than coffee after reading that
  13. I could probably have both at current prices (though that would be massively silly and I'd probably get put in a straight jacket for it)..though that's where the sense of me shutting up, selling the m3 later in 2015 and possibly buying an f10 version next year prevails.
  14. Thanks..Will definitely look at that more seriously. I see the 535d also has massive potential while remaining fuel efficient and fairly reasonable. Though I've had M cars before and not adverse to the respective bills that come with it.
  15. Absolutely!Ray or someone here just needs to 'shove' that v10 in an e46 m3 and call it a day haha.
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