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Posts posted by Dyl

  1. Wow SSBMW, was that your old Highline at Giltrap? I have a friend who works there and Id be lying i i said I hadn't sat in it more than once... never drove it though. Now that was a stunner. As for the white one, I still think it could be brought back to showroom if its not too far off. I know Matt from Newport pretty well also after having bought two cars from him. He is a nice man.

  2. Last year I parked my E30 M3 on the street outside my house in Mt Eden for I sh*t you not, 15 minutes, while I went inside to grab something and when I came out two of my centre caps had been stolen. Plus I'm pretty sure they came back around for the other two and they drove past me. Thieving bastards.

    In any case bro, they'll come again and they'll get caught. You can rest assured on that one.

  3. I know Atta's cars... even if I haven't met you yet mate. He is a perfectionist. I am impressed with the car but we're getting close to E30 M3 prices at that price. Pays to be cheeky sometimes tho - you never know what someone will pay

  4. Each to their own.... this plate came with my car but isn't really me. There is a space between the 'H1S' and 'M3'.

    I think it'll be worth whatever someone is willing to pay for it so please PM me if you are interested!

  5. Saw Dylan last night outside the cloak room again. Then Hudson down the road in his new E36 touring. Then a bimmersport stickered e36 out East. And a volvo R with sweet stance.

    anyone would think I'm an alky... Saw BMDubs today on the MWay but he was concentrating too hard to wave at me :( Wheels were very striking

  6. Ah thankyou simon... I was struggling with that. Not sure about a drop. It would look better but it would upset the ride and handling. I think ill leave it just for now. Its going to head groomer at mcmillan tomorrow for an engine detail and leather treatment! Lucky car

  7. Cheers for that guys! The car sure did tick all the boxes... it has been looked after really well too. I am actually digging the wheels, the polished lips look great rolling. As for the M car thing... I'd like to say I've owned all of the M3s and maybe one day....far far in the future, have them all at the same time. Whenever that might be...

  8. Kiaora. Due to downsizing of my vehilce fleet I now want only ONE car... not three!

    So, I am ready to buy your E46 M3 if you have a nice one for me :D

    Please be in touch if you would like to sell or know someone who does. Cash buyer!

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