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About sslawr

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    Stephen Lawrence
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  • Car
    VT Calais V6 SC
  • Race Car
    Open E46 330ti
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  1. I'm selling the E30 I've been racing for the last six years so I can race the new car. Looking for $8,500ono It's been through a few different phases, in Open A, Open B and 2ltr series over the years. It came third in Open A in its first year as a 3ltr. It currently has a 2.5 ltr engine and could be a great Open C car this year. It's on TradeMe : http://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/Listing.aspx?id=1147897750
  2. sslawr

    HB Ashkan

    Happy Birthday Ashkan. How's that new engine coming along??
  3. sslawr

    TV Interference

    Yeah I thought there would be instructions as well but the Samsung book just says they are for the "cables". Doesn't say which ones. As you say John the answer might be to ask the people that sold it to me or, better still, get someone that knows these things, like Brent. Might need to be next week now though.
  4. sslawr

    TV Interference

    Thanks Brent and JTP. Brent I might take you up on your offer in the next week or two. I'll pm you if I need to. John, I have a boring old aerial and a sky dish. The sky dish was wired later so comes in through a separate cable (but out of the same wall space). The RF Out for Sky then goes back into the wall and presumably up into a splitter to go to the other two TV's. So the UHF/VHF aerial is giving the crap performance, digital seems largely fine. The reason I can't just live with the digital is that my kids sometimes (usually) want to watch sky which means I can't use digital at the same time. If i'm using the ferrite cores to suppress the Rf interference, where do they go? Is it on the aerial cables at the source end? I've tried them in various places but none seem to improve it too much. Would I be better to just go and buy some cables with built-in suppression?
  5. sslawr

    TV Interference

    Okay, so i splashed out on a big TV. Now my other TV's, and the non-Sky channels are all crap with interference. The box came with some Ferrite cores, but where the hell do I put them?? TV is a Samsung Plasma. Sky is set up to run directly on this TV and on two others in the house. The other TV's can't pick up TV1 at all, TV2 is awful, TV3 and some of the others are okayish. Is this interference or something else, and if the cores will help, what cables do I put them on and where on the cable?? Appreciate any help from those that know how all this sh*t works
  6. Sounds like time to increase your charge out rates.
  7. Happy Birthday Mr Pom. A fine effort
  8. sslawr

    HB Paul (#14)

    Happy Birthday young man. See you Friday
  9. sslawr

    HB Boss (OLLIE)

    Happy birthday Ollie, I hope Andy gives you a great pressie.
  10. Yeah, a big happy birthday Bruce. I hope that red devil is ready to go (and that it hasn't turned yellow or grown any extra cylinders!!)
  11. sslawr

    E28 Race car.

    It looks more Corporate Cabs than Baghdad Taxi
  12. So that's why the cars for sale. Retiring. Getting old Hope you had a great day, see you next week
  13. Another great milestone (every one after 50!!) now we just need to get under 1.18 at Puke
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