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Posts posted by LemonHunter

  1. Righty, finally got the crankshaft timing pulley off after investing in a Harmonic BalancerPuller.

    Looking inside, it looks like the crank shaft outside is toast, you can see on the right where the biscuit woodruff key is supposed to sit... and on the left where it has been moving about.


    but the inside of the pulley seems okay? There is a wider part, but that seems machined rather than worn.


    biscuit woodruff looks a bit beat up too.


    On the upside, I didn't pull the trigger on a new head gasket set.

    Series of Expletives omitted.

    Wish me luck at small claims.

  2. I picked up a 1995 E36 318Ti as a run about while I sort out the lemon.

    It was cheap, motor and box feel strong, but the handling...

    So I figured maybe they all just handle rubbish & I'm pampered with my adjustables and direzas on the E30, i.e. expecting too much.

    To describe it, better, basically the handling feels like my old Nissan Terrano, after I put in 2" spring lift, 2" body lift, and 32" mud tyres. Wallows it's way through corners at speed.

    Or maybe there are like 5 or 6 really straight forward things I can adjust/replace to get it back on track (pun?)

    The steering wheel wobble I'd normally put down to warped disks, but maybe there is something more nefarious at play? If it's of relevance, the steering wheel itself is not central when driving straight, it's about 20ish degrees off.

  3. I've never replaced a head gasket with an OEM one, generally favor Cometic MLS or equivalent.

    Seems that with BMW though oem or VR are perfectly fine?

    I have a 'recent rebuilt' M20B23 with the gasket probably gone between 5 & 6. After only 7000km.

    I don't think I'm going to turbo this engine ever, but i do like to give it the beans on the twisties.

    Seeking suggestions for make, type & best place to shop.

  4. Now that the E30 is off the road for a while... or forever, found a $1 Auction for a cheap and cheerful E36 318Ti to keep my Vitamin B stocked while I decide what to do or buy next.


    All it needs is the roof lining replaced and the gasket and/or bushing on the oil filter housing replaced (seems like a pretty common job on these) to be more or less mint.

    Leather seats, factory Alloys, handles like a brickies wheelbarrow but once the tacho gets over 5k rpm she pulls surprisingly well for a 1.8L

  5. No fun at all. And sadly I doubt you'll get a successful resolution with the previous owner. He has no obligation to be a good bugger unfortunately.

    Chalk it up to experience and cut your losses I say.

    That may be true, but i have more evidence of a total lack of rebuild or just an extremely poor quality one.

    So for him to say it was rebuilt 5000km before i purchased was a very high factor for my purchase. But yeah, refer above. It's misrepresentation.

  6. Okay, engine is trash, just performed a compression test, albeit cold as the water pump etc are disconnected, 150-145-146-151-75-115 PSI respectively

    I put this as blown head gasket probably between cylinders 5 & 6.

    I've emailed with a suggestion to let him buy it back for $500 less than I paid and forget this all happened.

    Will be interested in seeing what he comes back with.

    But for a 'rebuilt' motor 5000km ago, for the Stem seals to be leaking, head gasket to be blown & jesus bolt missing... it is now beyond a joke.

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