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Everything posted by jpp

  1. Bring in the sniper in a loud as fook army chooper or the eagle with one of those engine immobilisers that screw the electrics... Soon we will see coppers pull up to the car with their windows down and fire a taser through the aircon system But really, if it is publically announced that the cops full out at XX kph who won't push for that liimit as they know they can get away? Sort of like announcing where the secret key is hidden in a jail cell. From what I know, the fact that cops have the discretion to pull out when they feel the situation is out of hand is enough for me.
  2. jpp

    Gotta Love this

    Would love to hear that grumble.
  3. ^^ Yup, go the individual kits. Dependant on your taste, go black tho imo
  4. Don't buy Repco paint, crap mostly. Mitre10 or a paintshop, pay for what you get there. Ensure you primer otherwise will come out poorly, won't stick etc... Let me know how you go, I'll deff. give it a go in the next few weeks!
  5. http://www.bimmersport.co.nz/forums/index....=5592&st=30 n00pie
  6. Who'd you get yours off?Think they'd do us a special ?
  7. I'll go just to see your car. Baaad
  8. Er, I'd say its just a bug that TM haven't announced yet in Community section. Seems to work for me as per usual; Trade Me Motors > Car parts & accessories > BMW (898) For me atm. Maybe you searched your local parts only?
  9. How much are you after, esp. the weaves? By a set you mean 5? Any cheaper without the tyres? When would you want them gone by (and paid)?
  10. Are you in Aucks? Any idea of mileage?
  11. jpp

    My car possibly

    By black to you mean its the same fabric as normal headliners but its black? One could therefore stain their light coloured headliner black, possibly even keeping it in the roof?
  12. jpp

    mad problems

    haha, sorry but I had to laugh. I would enquire with a locksmith about getting the key removed from the lock and him breaking into your car. With the key removed and the rest of the key, it is possible, but difficult to just get a replacement cut -- which would save getting new locks put in. As for the battery and central locking, unsure.
  13. jpp

    steering and fogs...

    Sweet cheers guys. Have already checked fuses and bulbs. Will invest in a multimeter as I broke my other one. The plugs for eletrical things I've found are very fragile.
  14. Just failed my WOF, 1989 320i f/l e30; inner and outer steering rods have play, my fogs lights will not work, high mounted stop light not working; For the rods, anyone know how much to repair? Is it a tweek or a new one to be put on? And the fogs, before I went I checked the bulbs as they weren't going, they were fine. So would is the next best option the wiring is shot? Is it possible to re-wire a new circuit or shall I just look for the break? The brake light has just stopped working. I didn't even realise. Its a hella one, any likely cause as to this? Cheers for your help in advance, Jared.
  15. Yeah bro, all part of growing up as a car owner. Some tips if you have audio, then park for long public spaces; Don't pump it loud just before or when you park. Don't open your boot so anyone can see in it. Ensure the audio or valubles can't be seen from outside of the car. Make sure the car has some deterrant such as alarm or parked next to many passerbyers. etc...
  16. Unsure if there is a difference in motors per door, but require one for the rear right door, e30 1989 f/l. Offers please, I'm in Auckland and will pick-up. Am also keeping an eye open for some cheap good cond. [any colour] door cards 4dr & dash. Will also need a manualconversion kit or some good cheap parts towards one. PM or post here with some contact details. edit; Also after some f/l tails [prefer just the lenses] and the side repeaters + euro plate black plastic insert thingie for the rear boot. Can swap with my other Jap one.
  17. And get trade disc. on top?
  18. jpp

    Prison break..

    As long as it doesn't end like Lost I'll follow it. Inside to a holly-world I hope I won't experience
  19. jpp

    91 or 95 Petrol?

    Someone above said that a higher number also results in less fuel consumption? [taken out of context i know] Could someone please elaborate on this... how much ratio difference are we talking? [as i'm on a tight budget heh]
  20. jpp

    Quick Questions

    Hey thanks, completely forgot about searching the door. Duhh. Ah, so its still a legal requirement to have a secondary brake light in the centre of the car? I have an e30, haven't seen any. Wouldn't mind cutting up an aftermarket spoiler, see how it goes? Guess I could talk to a WOF person eh'?
  21. jpp

    e30 starting help

    Mmm, thought so. Several here on TM -- Gonna install yourself? Seems that people are liking some 'How To's' write-ups, give it a go!
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