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Posts posted by M3AN

  1. I have no problem getting the foam itself, but trying to find a place that can custom cut a contour that's the difficult part.

    I see. Well most common nowadays is the foam with pull out blocks so you can make it a shape that suits you. Although you won't get the perfect shape you'd rarely need that.

    I imagine it would be expensive to get them cut bespoke.

  2. Strange... not sure who's being serious here because Glen is the one that often says 'a little but of knowledge and some tools can be a disaster' but that's what he recommending above?

    Either way Dimitrious here's what's involved: http://www.beisansystems.com/procedures/m62tu_vanos_procedure.htm - and you can do it yourself with some patience and tools (which may be difficult/expensive to get in NZ).

    Certainly if you pay somebody to do it ($$$) make sure they provide a written warranty on workmanship that covers all of your costs to get back on the road (which could mean a new engine) if something does go wrong.

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  3. Got ridiculously anxious while waiting for the next chance to duck outside.

    Took me a long time to realise normal people didn't regard two 25 packs of Marlboro red and a triple shot XXL long black as an acceptable breakfast. Quite enjoying not coughing up red streaks every morning too!

    Good on you dude. Pocketing the $50 a day must feel good too!

    • Like 1

  4. Will do.

    I'm looking at anthracite (BMW for black) and maybe 3 "yards", perhaps 5 - I'm fully undecided. Although I've ordered 6 yards of M Rain and want to get it shipped together so need to decide soon.

    Ultimately adding a few yards should make little difference to the shipping price but that's what we're working on.

  5. Congratulations on your decision Kyu, it's a good one however daunting the road ahead seems.

    I've not had a cigarette for just over a year now (387 days) and I couldn't be happier, I know I'll never have another one. I smoked for about 25 years and couldn't imagine life without it but now I can't believe how simple life is as a non-smoker. I used to smoke about 15 a day, more on the weekends and I've saved $6,982 since I stopped.

    I used Champix which is a fully subsidised prescription wonder-drug (talk to your doctor). It gave me mild nausea for 8 weeks but on the balance it was worth it.

    I also used an app called "QuitNow!" and upgraded to the Pro version for a few bucks... this is how I know how many days! It also has some other neet capabilities.

    It's well worth the effort bud; socially, financially, psychologically and physically. Power to you!

  6. Any of you heard of Orakei Korako? A piece of New Zealand wonderland that everybody could visit and enjoy... now the private domain of indigenous "royalty".

    I simply can't accept taking something everybody can enjoy and giving it to a limited few irregardless of (ancient) history. Dispossession is not fixed via dispossession.

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