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Posts posted by Katalyst

  1. WHAT!!!! that would be scarey as in wet weather lol

    yeah mate!!! they were coming back from north shore stadium one night along the motorway, and all of a sudden it chopped down a few gears and almost sent them through the window!!!!!! pulled over straight away, rang the mechanic and got it towed home!!!!

    wouldve ben scary as HELL!!!!!!!!

  2. make sure your a/c works if you want an all black interior..even in welly sometimes and i use a good windsheild shade mostly also with sunroof tilted open it gets hot.....damn hot to hot for shorts on teh black leather

    yeah heat is guna be a problem but small price to pay for a jet black interior :lol: !!!!

    seen some nice car seat covers in europe thou - need something to protect them during the week, its amasing where resin and carbon can get stuck too!!

  3. I may have a getrag 260 gearbox comming up but waiting to find out what it is and if its still sitting in an old farm shed lol

    mate!! defnitly give us a bell when you dig it out of the shed!!! so sick of driving an auto!!!!!!!!!!

    I have a black headliner, non sunroof. $150 if keen.

    have a sunroof!!!!! gutted - cheers tho bro

  4. Whats this on swaps? what do you have/what do you want??

    Im in the market for a black head liner.

    have a 89 320 auto facelift parts car, i think south african? as has a long range tank and sump guard(not 4 sale), with most parts still avaliable

    after a black headliner and 260 mnual conversion

  5. really keen on an all black interior and was wondering if any came out standard with it in??

    have a mint one already if someone wants to swap?

    also anyone had a new one installed or anything and could roughly guess a price??

    find it strange that the whole interior is dark and then the roof has a tan tinge??

    half cut & and had a brain fart - will research properly 2moro ^_^

    just thought id share

  6. Have a f/l parts car and want to put the disc setup onto my pre f/l

    have never tackled that end of the car before apart from changing springs

    whats involved and does anybody know of any write-ups sifting round on the web?? also any pitalls to watch out for!!

    also planning a manual conversion aswell, just waiting for a 260 kit to pop up, would it make any difference or easyier to do them together or one before the other??


  7. alrite have rung quite a few different places and the cheapest arm was 155 + gst, ball joint 62.5 +gst, and bush 71.5 + gst

    have manged to source thru a friend of a friend, arms for 90 buks!!!

    but im having trouble betting the bushes

    it is through bnt and the ones they have on file are the wrong ones, according to them

    can anyone help me out with a discription or part number for the bushes??


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