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Everything posted by Katalyst

  1. bro!! thats hrd out!! think u shuld stay home 2nite and well away from the car!!
  2. they can do some advertising on mine aswell if they want 2! heheheh luv the dish! yip luv it luv it luv it - envious!
  3. Damn i love white cars!!!! very nice welcome
  4. arnt bmw bloody amazing!!! they think of everything!!! wish i knew bout this b4 coulda saved some mula!
  5. trudat! specially if ur going down the active crossover road r u making custom door pods for the infinitys?? hve jst put infinty reference 6.5'" in and they just get into the kick panels(hve kappas 2 and there huge!) and require glovebox mods and a new bonnet release latch seen some on ebay.co.uk but are quite pricey not tht hard to do, jst effort!! why active crossovers thought about dsp?
  6. nebody know ne upholster's?? need to make mos to the glove box and thn get it recovered or nebody knw much about, thought about peelin back the vynil doing my thing then stickin it back down??? any thoughts
  7. Katalyst

    Mini rides

    very nice collection!!!! just starting have an Autoart 1:18 Murcielago, wish i had money to buy them regulary in the hunt for F40 tht i like, hve heard tht hotwheels are releasing a new line of them this year wish auto art did ferrari's!! wot scale are yours?? they all lokk similar
  8. yeah well i think it should be ok, im in the process of making a new intake , and have used carbon for the AFM and pod adaptors, and was thinkin bout makin a cold air box outa carbon, but bit scared too!!! dont know if you heard bout the wrx(show car) that had carbon intakes, granted they were very close to the engine, but they caught on fire and his whole car was gone in half an hour!!!! seen plenty of ppl who used it and it seems to be fine, but with my kinda luck - not keen to test fate, and also dont wana garentee nething just incase, if u know wot i mean
  9. thickness isnt an issue, will make it to suit not 100% exactly sure but think the resin is only good for about 120-150 Degrees C, but the carbon is upwards of 3000 Degrees C, u can get high temp resin systems but there prety pricey, but i will have a look into them aswel
  10. either way 4 stud mustve ben hard to find?! look dam good thou!!!!!!!!
  11. whoa! wasnt quite prepared enuf for tht, il sit down and work out some prices and post them up early in the week
  12. plate, say like a peice of ali sheet for example (ie flat) but made from CF with woteva fibre orientation and thickness to suit purpose
  13. would nebody be keen in some CF tube or plate or.... need to make some cash for new toys and hve sme time coming up to beable to offer pretty good prices
  14. Katalyst

    Bye bye chrome

    whys everybody so keen to shadowline, i think the chrome is class!!!
  15. depends on how much u love it!! id be pretty keen for the kit
  16. dam thts a mint as paint job for that sorta money!!!!!!!! looks mint!!!! was it a bare metal respray or just a wet n dry and paint, also how mny layers paint and clear??
  17. bro if u dont mind me asking, how much did it cost, keen on getting the e30 resprayed?!
  18. Done it!!!! the 320 now has a new ventilation hole!!!!!!! pounding metals so satisfying!!!!
  19. it looks abit like tht, tryd rear speaker holes aswel! theres gotta be away........... i cant be the first tard to hve done it
  20. BUTCHERED!! MASSACRED!!!!!!!!!!
  21. nebody knw how to get into an e30 boot with no keys!!!!!!!!!! can see the lock through numba plate light but cant get to the front where it unlocks! ne ideas!???????????!!!
  22. ive seen some similar on ebay.com in both silver and black, 18's and 19's with tyres for about 1k nz!!! if only frieght was easyier!!!!
  23. if u still cant get them my bro lives in london and he can buy on his ebay acc, then all u hve to do is sort out freight? hve ben looking into a little, keen to start importing things like this from the uk and states, so sik of lack of stuff on offer in nz
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