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318i Turbo

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Posts posted by 318i Turbo

  1. bummer dude - at least something better comes out of it.

    yea thats whats keeping me smiling at the moment, i got some pics but it says i cant upload this type of file, how do i go about stoping that :blush:

  2. im not to sure if iv told you fellas yet, but i had a wee fire in my engine bay ok a big fire, outside epsom girls on my way to work one day. Today i have started to strip it down to fix it up. Destoyed was only the wirring loom and all plastic so im happy bout that. Ill take pics as i go along as the plan is to be spending a bit under the hood. Bradded hoses and all the other stuff etc are all on the list, head will be coming off for a tickle and a 2.7 if i can along with a mass tidy up.

  3. if your gettin king spring low it will only lower your car 20mm, i got jamex super low and with the bilstens it bump steers like f**k handels like sh*t on normal road conditions but on a real good bit of road its hard to keep up with and youll need your rear shocks shortnd

  4. the revlimit is changed by the dissy rotor i think, they have a spring inside that once spings at a certin rpm stops the igntion, so by changing to a rotor with a diff strenght spring inside will change where ur revlimit is at

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