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Posts posted by MD13

  1. how have i not seen this round the area more? im just up on chevron off breamer and havent seen it in the area. see it out side your school quite often tho.

    looks good man, wouldnt mind looking at it sometime if your keen

    Rothesay Bay Braemar - not Castor bay. Always thought it odd the same street name was in two suburbs almost side by side. Sorry for the hijack but have you seen the sweet grey tech 2 on Alpina's? Think he lives up on Knights...

  2. I remember seeing and hearing this on Braemar rd a few times - then one day it had a rusty looking boot and bonnet... Looks like you fixed up the boot lid. Did you sand the paint off then leave it to surface rust?

  3. Think you might have a long wait... The days of being able to play a game regardless of whether you're connected to the net or not are sadly over. Unless you grab a pirated copy...

  4. That bothers me... I'm the guy that has to uncover the whole map, kill every monster and open every chest/stump etc. I hate the idea of missing some lovely piece of treasure!

    I imagine these guys are sprinting through... Sad.

  5. Bear in mind ibboostn said 'with some modifications'... If you just want to drop better speakers in the front factory mounting position without having to work at making them fit then your better off getting 5 1/4 inch components. Maybe something like this:


    If you don't mind getting the tools out then 6 or 6.5 inch would have a little more range.

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